Fairhope City Council has shifted from a rude, loud, and bulling approached, that backfired on them, to a passive aggressive approach when addressing the mayor. The ultimate goal is to prevent her from doing her job and opposing any of her goals. The masked condescending and sarcastic comments remain along with the disrespect.

If you missed the two and half hour council meeting Monday night be sure to go back and look at the video especially the mayor’s comments in reference to the veto, an ordinance amending ordinance no.1572 Fly Creek Pud.

It appears that the previous city council, under Tim Kant, at the last council meeting, at the very end of the agenda,

see video,

added an item that very day, 17. Resolution – That the city gratefully accepts the deed of property for the city of Fairhope’s sewer lift station from Angelo A. Corte to the city of Fairhope in the form as attached hereto as Exhibit A.

Mayor Kant was absent but his trusted good ole boys Burrell and Boone were present.

Hold your nose because this one really stinks. Mr Burrell presided over the meeting, reviewed, and was copied the details of Resolution 2606-16, before October 24th.

He failed to take into account the same resolution was recorded October 21st.

He also failed, according to him, to notice that no map was included with Exhibit A.

However the courthouse recorded copy has two maps that show the “gift.”

Fairhope was gifted three plus acres of wetlands that are the recipient of the storm water runoff from the Publix site. It is also the location of the outfall pipe from the retention pond. This “gift’ was suppose to be the land under a city lift station, less than the size of a house. The “gift” was actually the entire lot including all the wet lands.

Mr. Burrell was aghast to find out these details and said he knew nothing about the “gift” of the whole lot or that it had been recorded three days prior. However you can hear the city attorney acknowledge that it had already been recorded. Mr. Burrell proceeded to introduce the resolution with this knowledge. The question is, was it just total incompetence or complicity to fool the citizens of Fairhope? Mr. Burrell said it should be investigated and the Mayor assured him it would be.

The city attorney Mr. Marion Wynne was uncharacteristically disrespectful to the mayor and became aggravated that the issue was raised and dismissed any concern of the “gift” or documents in question.

Fairhope deserves a full investigation of the “gift.” The passive aggressive council heard all these facts and more and still overrode the mayor’s veto throwing caution to the wind in order to be FAIR to the developer, while bending over the citizens.

Jack Burrell “come fly with me,” said their were no good ole boys and no conspiracy to impede the mayor from doing her job.

When the budget came up Mr. Burrell explained that he and Mr Brown, the self imposed finance committee, had toiled over a kitchen table for 15 to 20 hours to come up with a final budget. The end result was to reduce funding for the Economic and Community Development position. They must have been drinking! This position has been filled for four months by Sherry-Lea Bloodworth-Botop. She accepted the position sold her house in Washington D.C and both she and her husband quit their jobs, relocated to Fairhope and purchased a home. The irony is that Sherry Lea is in Washington presently representing the city and speaking with our US. representatives. Is this FAIR and how does this help the mayor do her job?

The council follow that up by finally lifting the hiring freeze, imposed to punish the mayor for firing two employees. Did this help her do her job?

The council had yet one more thing on the agenda to reject. The airport authority appointments, they quickly rejected the mayor’s appointments and said if she could not come up with anyone they wanted, they would keep the current board members. Mr Burrell “come fly with me” suggested they should require the mayor to present new appointments. And if she did not do that then the council should support a 60 or 90 day delay requirement before the mayor could even bring it before the council. The airport authority city liaison is Mr. Burrell who is a board member that has had numerous complaints filed against him. The appointments to the board are the Mayor’s choice, however the council has blocked her from bringing any transparency to the airport authority.

At the end of the meeting in public participation Mr.Boone was asked to recuse himself from voting on any issue involving the Fly Creek PUD, Angelo Corte, or Preble Rish engineering due to a conflict of interest. He explained he had no conflict or llc’s that involved any of the parties mentioned.


maybe he can remember now.


P.S. The good ole boy shadow government, aka Catalyst, is preparing on digging Tim Kant out of his hole to run in mid term election for Chris Elliott’s commissioner seat. They will be supporting Mr. Elliott for Sen. Pittman’s senate seat. Sure Jack, we all believe that the good ole boys do not exist and that the world is flat.