The Fairhope City Council is using the Baldwin County Political Dictionary’s definition for “Fairness”. First, the council implements a hiring freeze to punish the mayor for firing two employees. Then they side with the developer and reject overwhelming objections from the public. This was done to be “Fair” and because of “the threat of a lawsuit.” Now the Council has moved to remove the Director of Economic and Community Development, Sherry-Lea Bloodworth-Botop, by reducing funds in the budget, thus killing the director’s job.

While the council was being “Fair” by back stabbing her and eliminating her position, she was in Washington D. C. representing Fairhope. She has been working for the city for over 4 months and has relocated in Fairhope after she and her husband quit their jobs and sold their home in Washington D. C. and purchased a home in Fairhope. She has been highly professional and interacted with council and employees while avoiding any controversy whatsoever, an accomplishment in itself.

On a kitchen table Councilmen Boone and Councilmen Brown decided to cut money going to economic and community development. Think about that— a 60 million plus budget and for the price of a police car, or reducing services at the golf course or whatever, Councilmen Burrell , as president of the council, using every “Fair” fiber in his body, eliminated economic and community development— by just pouring salt on it. This was all done in the spirit of being “fair”, and let’s not leave out Christian Values.

Community affairs engages citizens, helps organizations and neighborhood associations, something Fairhope has always ignored. Economic development is self explanatory and desperately, needed at this time of rapid growth.

This “Fairness is killing us”, the citizens who are suffering the consequences, while Council wages war, with the Mayor at our expense.


Please contact Councilmen Conyers, Brown and Robinson. Do not waste your time with Burrell or Boone— tell them we cannot afford to do business as if it were 1960. The action by Mr Burrell to use his position, was self serving, selfish and a very very bad financial decision. Call, email or show up May 8th at the next council meeting and stand up and demand they fund, what we have already agreed to do.

At the last council meeting, Mr Boone was again asked to recuse himself on voting on issues related to Angelo Corte, Preeble-Rish or the Fly Creek Pud. He responded that he was not a partner in any Llc. that would be a conflict of interest. Damn he was telling the truth, the llc’s made public January 25,


were dissolved by Mr Boone only 6 days after we published them.

Now what do you think?

BA-101, LLC
Entity ID Number
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Principal Address
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Dissolved Date
Place of Formation
Formation Date
Registered Agent Name
Registered Office Street Address
Registered Office Mailing Address
Nature of Business
Capital Authorized
Capital Paid In
Member Name
Member Street Address
Member Mailing Address
Member Name
Member Street Address
Member Mailing Address
Scanned Documents
Purchase Document Copies
Document Date / Type / Pages
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Our council has ignored Mr. Boone’s conflict of interest and the controversy involving Mr. Burrell and the airport. The ethics commission compels the council to report suspected illegal activity. They remain mute.

On Wonderful Wednesday, the Ripp Report will cover what we know about the “gift” of the lift station property. I am leaving you with 3 documents I have acquired through public domain for your consideration. Please contact the city council for an explanation or wait till Wonderful Wednesday.

Thanks for the “gift” Jack, come fly with me.