Get down on your knees and pray for the folks in Texas and Louisiana. Thousands of people lost everything and many more thousands will be affected by the devastating effects of flood water.

Please explore a way that you may contribute to those in desperate need of help. Many agencies, churches and organizations will be formed throughout Baldwin County that will be sending different items to storm victims. The Red Cross is the best agency to contribute cash, check, credit cards or money orders. The magnitude of the storm and amount of damage caused by flooding will literally take years to repair and their will be those who have no resources to put their lives back together, they have lost everything and are dependent on help.


If you missed the last council meeting in Fairhope here is the highlight:

This is Jack Burrell hard at work as President of the city council denying a citizen the Freedom Of Speech our US constitution guarantees:


The latest move by Burrell to deny free speech may be the last straw for his support group Catalyst.

Today Mr Scott Boone, the Catalyst King, was in Orange Beach for a political rubbing of shoulders. He was asked if Catalyst would be supporting Burrell for Mayor in 2020, he said most likely not, no way. Catalyst threw Pittman under the bus and now his bible buddy gets run over. Catalyst will be supporting faux candidates for the mid term elections and supporting the re election of the county commission and Mr Elliott who will be seeking Pittman’s seat. If it’s Catalyst can it.

Wonderful Wednesday:

had a very interesting comment which we have heard once before:

“I saw Robert Jester and Cucky Cheez at Lulu’s. Jack was with them with a bunch of paperwork. Drinks were served. Wednesday last week.”

Well Well Well What could they be discussing?????? or leaking???????