Be sure to read the New York Times Article, the last link on this article.

Baldwin County has seen its share of political commentary from Baldwin Insider, The Jester and the Infamous “Chuckie Cheeze” who quite appropriately now works as Aid De Camp for the Baldwin County legislative delegation.

Many people who follow the Baldwin County political trail have anxiously awaited “Chuckie Cheeze’s” replacement. All of the above represent the Status Quo, aka Catalyst or Scott Boone Consulting. Good ole Boys plain and simple.

The 2008 and 2012 municipal elections in Fairhope, were suspected of being rigged. In 2016, after numerous complaints, the Alabama Secretary Of State stepped in to supervise the election. Long story short, Mayor Wilson beat a 16-year, CORRUPT incumbent, and became Fairhope’s first female Mayor.

The City Council, their true intentions masked, led by a loser, planned for total control of Fairhope. From the first day of their 2016 administration the council has obstructed, bullied, lied, colluded, conspired and undermined anything the Mayor or her staff has proposed.

So it is no surprise that six (6) weeks before municipal elections that a replacement for “Chuckie Cheeze” has now raised his head, from whatever coma he has been in, to carry the CATALYST flag into political battle.

Listen to me carefully Fairhope:

This Council has tried, several times, to give away citizens rights to the triangle “Park”, under the warm and fuzzy blanket of a Conservation Easement. That Triangle cost taxpayers 11.25 million dollars, thanks to our last Mayor.

They also voted themselves a raise and full family insurance, estimated at $17,500.00 a year.

This council betrayed the black community and all of Fairhope with their purchase of farmland for recreation, 2.65 million, and then leased it back for farming at 9 thousand a year. The bottom line of Fairhope went from a surplus of 1.7 million to a deficit of 1.2 million.

This council is going to run as a block vote, they do not want any women on the council.

Chuckie’s replacement, Howling Rains, attacked the Fairhope Waterfront Grant of 6.2 million dollars.

Howling Rains did not write a constructive op-ed with suggestions, nor did he attend any meetings. Howling admitted he was 6 weeks in the rear about reading anything about the project. Howling Raines showed his journalistic mettle.

Howling was howling at the moon and missed the details, he also did not know:

“the plan was conceived in cooperation with a steering committee and is the result of a design charrette in which 164 participants provided input, 570 responses to a survey. It also passed reviews by the Alabama Gulf Coast Recovery Council, Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, U.S. Department of the Treasury and Fairhope City Council. The project was proposed by Mayor Karin Wilson and is funded by Restore Act grant money available as the result of the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill."

Howling has been using the moon as cover to circulate fliers encouraging citizens to kill a 6.2 million dollar grant. The flier is full of inaccuracies, but that does not matter, this is political–journalism be damned.

What is Howling not howling about? That the major opponents of the Waterfront project do not want their ”front” yard disturbed. They do not want ADA compliance and parallel parking for those people that need ADA compliance, and would like to enjoy the Waterfront. They are not concerned about disabled veterans. As usual it is the same status quo that will cut off its own nose to regain power.

Howling is calling Fairhope home of a historic bluff! Howling is confused, those cliffs are in Montrose, known as the Ecor Rouge Cliffs. A historic marker is on scenic 98. What is in Fairhope is a cut bank that was left when they made the lower park. It is covered with Kudzu and is about as historic as Howling Rains.

Mayor Wilson said:

“No one has to feel rushed because nothing will move forward until the re engagement is concluded — however long this takes.”

Howling made this political by his statement in his slanted op-ed.

“My conclusion is the entire project is born of political desperation and imaginary problems. Mayor Wilson needs a signature project on which to run for re-election, and she has in hand a $6.2 million Restore Act grant that comes with inconvenient legal strings attached to it. She said the funds can only be secured on the basis of “bluff stabilization” and creation of a “working waterfront.” In other words, the city and their well-paid engineers have to pretend to fix something that’s working well. When Mr. Burrell made his request for “documentation” the mayor and presenters avoided the subject.”

Howling needs to read Strawman. Why is Howling not writing an op-ed about corruption? I can tell ya why, because they are all CATALYST and Howling does not even know that CATALYST has him on a leash!

That is YOUR conclusion Howling, Let me give you mine. You sir are dealing with some of the most corrupt politicians in Baldwin County! These are crooked politicians! Especially the former Mayor CANT.

Now, I realize you have been in hibernation and woke up in the rain with CATALYST stroking your ego and giving you the scent they wish you to follow down the nearest rabbit hole. But PLEASE, Howling Rains…challenge me to defend my accusations of corruption, let me give you the painful Backstory of 16 years of observing Fairhope politics.

You want to deprive citizens of park improvements for a selfless few? Deny ADA compliance because a few, who never attended a damn meeting, are so damn selfish that they do not give a damn about the rest of the community? You sir represent what is wrong, CATALYST; and the vindictive, corrupt candidates they represent. Fairhope should be cautious taking advice from anyone associated with CATALYST. The park has not seen major improvements in 50 years.

Fairhope citizens: Do not let CATALYST or Howling Rains deprive you from improvements at the Waterfront. As Mayor Wilson, HAS ALWAYS said;

“No one has to feel rushed because nothing will move forward until the re engagement is concluded — however long this takes.”

It’s political folks! Howling is “Chuckie Cheeze’s replacement and it looks like a good fit.

In closing, take a look for yourself what a simple GOOGLE search of Mr. Raines produced:

SYNOPSIS: Mr. Howling Raines plagiarized. He and more specifically, journalists working under him, manufactured quotes and generally plagiarized other newspapers, leading to his embarrassing resignation.

Again, you see, CATALYST is dirtier than a Baldwin County Fair porta-potty. They had to scrape dog crap

off the sidewalk of the New York Times and get it to write fake CATALYST articles in Baldwin County.

Howling Rains has “Peter-Principled” out. He has reached the zenith of his incompetence as a human.

I submit to you: “Howling Rains: Catalyst HACK”