The Fauxhope City Council agenda looks like business as usual. However a closer look just shows how the council is doing what THEY damn well want to do, without public discussion. Oh sure they have public participation for three minutes per person. Those who have follow the development elected council know the council is deaf when it comes to any public participation.
Monday’s night council did not fail there standard operating procedure.
- Resolution – Appointment of Municipal Judge – Haymes Snedeker The Honorable Jody W. Bishop, Circuit Judge, 28th Judicial Circuit, State of Alabama
How convenient it must be to be appointed Municipal Judge of Fauxhope by the City Council and be the largest developer in Fauxhope. His projects will have to be approved by the City Council. Do ya think a conflict of interest exists ? The council will approve his infrastructure needs.
- Resolution – To award (Bid No. 23-025-2022-PWI-007) Fairhope Clock Plaza to RH Deas Building Co., LLC with total not-to-exceed $282,211.00, which includes a 10% contingency and Alternate 01.
What a joke. This postage stamp piece of property is the most expensive piece of property in Fauxhope. The past failures of the council have cost taxpayers over 600,000.00. and still climbing.
- Resolution - To approve the procurement for Intelligence-Led Policing Sensor Kits for the Police Department from ProTecVideo, LLC as sole source provider of the tag.NET program; and authorizes procurement based on the option allowed by the Code of Alabama 1975, Section 41-16-51(13). Total will not-to-exceed $20,000.00
I think that Fauxhope Police Department is the best in Baldwin County, and there are some really bad ones. That said, the council approved the tag reader and video without any public notice or discussion.
This is a city revenue producing program, paid and fined, by taxpayers and rubber stamped by council.
He says with this project the utilities are already being worked on before the build even starts. “We actually have a water line that is coming for the ALDI store and all of the infrastructure that is coming to the east side, so people have to know that we’re also prepared with the infrastructure. We’re not just developing. The infrastructure is there to develop,” said Martin.
Councilman Martin explains how infrastructure for the Aldi and the East Fairhope development, that Fauxhope Municipal judge is developing, is being paid by taxpayers. The first Publix development in Fauxhope by then, Mayor Can’t select developer, cost taxpayers millions in infrastructure.
Fauxhope this is what you get when you elect a cabal of good ole boys and a development council.