Long before Fairhope Mayor Wilson even thought about running for office, Fairhope had major infrastructure and sewer problems. Baykeeper was contacted time and time again through the years about various issues. I know because I called. Now the Director of Baykeeper is claiming that all you got to do, if you have an environmental problem, is to contact Baykeeper.

Baykeeper never did a damn thing about the Publix project, flooding of Fly Creek by the developer, or filling of the creek with development site mud and sand. Then came the Fly Creek Apartments to be built along Fly Creek. Hundreds opposed the project and Baykeeper did NOT answer the phone.

Private citizens sued the City over some of these issues while Baykeeper’s phone was off the hook. Mayor Can’t and Baykeepers did nothing but use air and talk “crap”.

Now the Director of Baykeeper Casi Callaway is in damage control for grabbing headlines and NOT using the phone. This is a typical Casi trick, it is strictly a political Baykeeper promotion She said she sent everyone a letter, I am hurt not to have received my copy, but not surprised, she did not answer the phone either.

So after releasing a very negative media report about Fairhope and receiving, just blow back, Casi decides that she must address the Fairhope City Council and dig her hole a little deeper.

Normal procedure is for Public Participation to be at the beginning of the council meeting, for 3 minutes, on agenda items only. Public participation at the end of the meeting affords citizens 3 minutes to discuss non agenda items.

Does Casi Callaway contact the Mayor, NO she contacts the Council President Burrell. They both keep the agenda appearance secret from the Mayor. Then Mr Burrell allowed Casi to speak in the first Public Participation under an agenda item she never addresses. Casi speaks well over the three minute rule and Burrell remains silent.

Jack and Casi know the time allocated and agenda procedure was politically motivated to blind side the Mayor. The Mayor has produced a Timeline, dating back to 2016, that outlines the Mayor and staff’s due diligence.

where is the Council’s Timeline? and where is Baykeepers timeline?

Fairhope Council President Jack Burrell has been Council President for seven years. He has refused to yield power to other Council members while he uses the position and agenda for political purposes and bulling tactics.

Council President Burrell now has the dubious honor of being found guilty in Federal court for violating the Constitutional rights of an American Citizen and veteran. That case is now being used as a precedent case involving the same constitutional rights being violated by other Council Presidents in the United States.

Let’s not forget about the Police Report Councilman Burrell has yet to explain.

So Casi and Jack appear to be in the same political boat and at the same council meeting Debbie Quinn and Sherry Sullivan, past political shipwreck survivors, were floating and yelling that they wanted in the same boat.

2020 is going to be one hell of a year.