Well it seems Mr. Jack Burrell is now worried about the accountability of school funds donated by the city, approximately $350,000 a year. He is demanding accountability or he no longer will support school funds for Fairhope.

Strange he never demanded accountability for the $500,000 the Airport gets for the less than 1% of the population. He made sure that when the appropriation was reduced to $350,000, that it covered the mortgage payment and that the Airport held the mortgage, not the city. But what the hell he gets free plane rides to golf tournaments and Fairhope citizens get the bill. The citizens citizens citizens also paid “come fly with me” Jack’s, attorney bill. The citizens are now paying for the second time for Burrell’s attorney fees.

Please remember the council voted no for any legal representation of the Mayor.


Councilman Brown is following in the footsteps of Burrell.

As a result of his actions an Ethics Complaint has now been filed:

Feb.26 2018

State Of Alabama Ethics Commission

Theresa Davis/ Thomas B. Albritton

Ref. Robert Brown, Fairhope City Council

Statement of Facts:

The Ethics Commission asks the question what “prompted you to make this complaint?”

First was your letter, which I requested through a foia request, where the Ethics commission’s advise to Mr Brown’s Informal Opinion Request, was short, direct and clear.

“What’s important is that you cannot use your office to create a benefit for yourself or any business with which you’re associated or your family. You may bid on the work but you cannot have used or use in the future your position to get it awarded.”

Mr Brown should not have proceeded to secure the contract with Eastern Shore Art Center after receiving your very clear warning. If he were to proceed he would have had to request a formal opinion from the Ethics Commission, which he did not.

This is a classic example of how elected officials use the Ethics Commission as a vehicle to justify their actions. Mr Brown told the Board of the Art Center that he went to great pains to “ Get Permission” from the Ethics Commission to proceed. I doubt they ever read the Informal Opinion.

Baldwin County elected official’s feel empowered by the lack of accountability that they have witnessed from the Ethics Commission. They simply use what ever letter the Ethics Commission sends as a green light to proceed ignoring any Public Doctrine, Ethics or conflict of interest.

Mr. Brown is a Fairhope City Councilman and sits on the Board of the Eastern Shore Art Center as a liaison to the City. Mr. Brown is partners with Mr Cliff Pittman, Pittman Brown Development Co. Mr. Pittman is a director of the Single Tax Corp., he voted to approve the funds for the Art Center. Clearly Mr. Brown and Mr. Pittman had advanced knowledge of said contract and failed to heed your advice.

I do not have the letter to the Ethics Commission requesting the Informal Opinion, which I will foia request. I also do not know if the contract in question was even bid out. I do know that Mr. Brown assured the Board that he had “permission from the Ethics Commission to proceed.”

Your failure to hold Mr. Brown accountable will only encourage other elected officials to use their office for personal gain.

My complaint will be copied to many different individuals, whom I have already personally spoken with or corresponded with, related to the Ethics Commission and the failures previously mentioned.

I anxiously await your response. The public has been indifferent to filing complaints as they have never gone anywhere. The Ripp Report, a non profit consumer corp. uses a public forum to expose political corruption. The Court of Public Opinion has yielded results with little to no help from those elected, who’s job it is to enforce the Ethics laws.


Mr. Bryan Taylor

General Council for Governor Ivy

Mr. Steve Marshall

Alabama Attorney General

Alice Martin

candidate: Alabama Attorney General

Troy King

candidate: Alabama Attorney General

Chris Christie;

candidate: Alabama Attorney General


Gabriel Tynes

Assistant managing editor

Francis Paul Ripp

Stop laughing! I know the Ethics Commission has failed us numerous times, however Mr Brown is pushing the envelope. His actions are so blatant that even the Ethics Commission will have to open their eyes.


On the Baldwin County level we have Mr. Chris Elliott running for Tripp Pittman’s seat. Elliott is an original charter member of Catalyst and a vote for him is a vote for Catalyst and the good ole boys. This Lagniappe article sums up Mr Elliott and his word.

Wake up people they are doing this: