Fairhope Mayor Wilson is inviting the citizens of Fairhope, again, to participate in the next upcoming presentation of the Waterfront project.

“Wilson told citizens on June 18, ‘We are going back to the drawing board and urging those who did not take part in the three month engagement process earlier this year to please participate.’”

Lagniappe has a paywall on this article, you can get a free copy at newsstands.

Fairhope citizens were never afforded the opportunity of public participation by the City Council when it came to the 2.6 million dollar recreation property. The council avoids any public participation claiming they were voted into office and they will make the decisions, despite any public outrage, remember Fly Creek apartments? The recreation property purchase, by three councilmen, the three B’s, changed the city’s bottom line by driving a 1.7 million dollar surplus to a 1.2 million dollar deficit. Let’s not forget the council voting themselves a raise and FULL family insurance, no other employees have FULL family insurance.

The Council approved the $500,000.00 for an engineering design for the Waterfront project and the council only pushed back for political capital prior to the Municipal elections. Those who, recently, opposed the project and started screaming, admitted, they never attended a Waterfront meeting.

Like many municipal projects, many citizens do not read or watch city council meetings or read city bulletins. I can’t blame them. The Waterfront project has been transparent from it’s inception. The City and Mayor have announced, and written, about the project, welcoming all comments.

Please attend the upcoming meeting, to be announced, and have an open mind and remember this is an approved, 6.2 million dollar grant. Politics plays a role in everything in Fairhope so keep your eyes open for political opportunist, like the council.

Fairhope Qualifications for public office, City Council and Mayor, are July 7 to July 21. This has been the worst City Council Fairhope has had in the last 25 years. The corruption and self serving Council has cost Fairhope millions. Please consider running for public office, Fairhope needs fresh faces on the council that are interesting in serving, not taking.