One thing is certain Alabama will lose hundreds of millions if not BILLIONS of dollars if Roy Moore is Alabama’s next senator. We are in a global economy at a time when companies and public figures have used their position and stature to protest against social injustice, bigoted views and religious hypocrisy. International companies as well as US Companies are going to stay away from a state that promotes such views. The commercial dollar loss will be matched by the isolation Alabama will feel from existing international companies who will also reconsider any plans for future expansion. Mr. Moore would find himself neutered and isolated in Washington rendering him useless and firmly putting Alabama in the dark ages.

H Bryant Ayers: “There is one certain outcome of the Alabama Senate race if Roy Moore is elected. He will be compelled to embarrass Alabama because of a set of personal religious beliefs that, in his mind, are superior to all man-made institutions, even the Constitution as interpreted by the US. Supreme Court.”

Read the last paragraph again, it’s not fake news, it’s reality.