The Ripp Report recently changed it’s business status from a tax deductible non profit to a corporation. It is still a non profit, without any federal tax deductibility. This also allows the Ripp Report/Baldwin County Legal Eagle to become more engaged in the election process by sponsoring or contributing to specific candidates.

One thing you can say about the Alabama Ethics Commission is that they are shamelessly predictable.

To dismiss a complaint and not answer any questions nor offer any explanation as to the allegations, is a whitewash of facts.

The Ethics Commission is suppose to be looking out for the citizens of the state. Instead we have a faux organization that protects the connected and convicts the weak. They have become the Unethical Commission.

The Alabama Ethics Commission, when mentioned in public meetings, is meet with laughter first and disdain second.

Some commission members are embarrassed about the blatant unethical behavior of it’s members.


The Fairhope City Council President, for the last 5 years?, is truly a shining example of what you do not need in a council president. The Council was approached by the Mayor to mediate their differences, by using an attorney that would represent the Mayor, the request was for 15,000 dollars. Council president Burrell said it was not necessary and that he was the mediator. Eight weeks have passed and Burrell has mediated nothing.

Mr. Burrell did however get the Airport Authority to cover his attorney fees relative to the Ethics complaint.

The City budget was presented by the Mayor 4 weeks ago and council has yet to meet with the Mayor to discuss it. They want to pass their responsibility to a newly appointed finance committee.

Most recently Mr Burrell is defending the Fairhope sewer system saying the infrastructure problems “are blown out of proportion” and “sewer spills can’t be prevented”. He cannot explain why Fairhope spent 13 million on a sewer plant and not spent no money on sewer infrastructure! He also has no answers about why, while he was council president, the city utilities transferred 10 million to the general fund for non utility expenses.

A job with benefits is city council president, liaison to the Airport Authority and Airport Authority Board member. This position allows you inside information about the Fairhope Airport Authority which will help if you want a good ole boy deal on an aircraft hanger to keep your jet. Free plane flights are provided by other board members, guaranteed, and all bids are controlled for “proper Placement.”

All bills for the Airport are paid by the city and the Airport Authority has the title to the land, not the city. This guarantees that your job is secure with benefits. All ethical violations filed against you that require an attorney, will be paid by Fairhope Airport Authority. Ethics complaints will be sent to the ethics commission for dismissal. Your position will be protected by 4 other council members, equally blind to public trust, and totally loyal to you, not the city. Your job will have no accountability. Contact Jack Burrell for an interview, sit with your back to the wall.