This is an endorsement not an advertisement. By that I mean no one is paying the Ripp Report to endorse Lagniappe. Lagniappe has become the only publication that is not considered a coupon paper. The Mobile paper has little to offer with more fluff stories than real investigative reporting. The Sunday Paper is $3.00, over $150.00 a year just for Sunday.

Lagniappe recently set up a pay-wall for on line subscribers. Trouble is that all those people who were sharing and reading posts on line now have to pay or get a paper copy. The Ripp Report shares many articles from Lagniappe and since the pay wall has been in effect, many of our readers have complained that they cannot link onto the article.

At first I did not understand the logic of Lagniappe as they had hundreds, if not thousands of shares through the years on the Ripp Report and Baldwin County Legal Eagle sites alone.

Then I read this recent article by the Publisher that made things a lot clearer. Lagniappe is worth the price and if you choose not to pay for internet availability, you still have the option of a free weekly paper copy from multiple sites.

“One of our new challenges has been launching a paywall on our website. It wasn’t a popular decision, but it’s where all newspapers are going and it’s necessary to continue growing and hopefully to do much, much more to inform and entertain this community. Yes, we’ve repeatedly heard from the pissed off, but it’s only 21 cents a day, $1.50 a week. There probably aren’t many places you can walk in and buy a bottle of Diet Coke for $1.50, much less enjoy it as long as you can all of the information available on these electronic pages each week.”

Baldwin County has no print media except lagniappe, PLEASE, and no one is paying me to say this, read Lagniappe if you want to know what is happening.

Baldwin County and Fairhope also have four blog sites that report political issues:


Please pay attention and read the facts, before, you are misled by gossip, half truths or outright fiction.