LAW and DisORDER - Part 2

LAW and DisORDER - Part 2

The Fairhope Police have responded and given further information about the recent “party” busted in Fairhope.

No information about the home owner is being disclosed, a minor related to the owners prevents that. No indication, or denial has been released by Councilman Burrell. The Ripp Report requested the Mayor Council and Police Dept. to investigate and make public the facts:

“This information is being passed on to you for investigation and explanation, to the public. If true the City Council President should resign immediately.”

This has happened in Fairhope in the past and the names of individuals were listed with exception on juveniles.

WKRG, and Fairhope Police, responded, no comment thus far from the City Council.

The Fairhope Police public information issue this statement:

Mr. Ripp,

This is the information that was released to WKRG/ Channel 5, WABF/ 1220 AM, and WPMI/ Channel 15.

· On Saturday, August 25, at about 9:45 p.m., our officers located numerous cars parked along the side of County Road 13. The cars were creating a hazard so the officer checked further and discovered a party at a residence in the 16000 Block of County Road 13.

According to the report, there were an estimated 100 juveniles at the residence. Many of them fled on foot when police arrived.

The officers did locate alcohol, and ultimately detained approximately 40 to 50 juveniles. Some had consumed alcohol, some had not.

Due to the number of juveniles detained, the officers decided it was impractical to transport them to the police department, and instead, identified the juveniles and called parents to come pick them up. Trying to bring that many juveniles in would have tied up every available police resource in Fairhope for several hours. On a Saturday night that can be unworkable.

I spoke to Lt. Hollinghead, interim chief of police, and she stated that the names of the juveniles who had consumed alcohol were documented. Officers will work with the juvenile court to determine appropriate charges.

I did not see any mention of marijuana in the report.

Since those involved are juveniles, we cannot release their names nor the names of parents.

In a follow-up question about whether any adults had been or would be charged, and about the property owner, I released: · There were no adults present when officers arrived, but they did show up when called to get their kids.

We can’t identify the property owner since that would ultimately identify the name of at least one juvenile. Our policy on media relations prohibits releasing information that would tend to identify a juvenile.

No adults were charged and at this point I don’t expect any adults to be charged. The law on Open House Parties (13A-11-10.1) requires the adult to have authorized the party AND to be present. Since neither of those elements was satisfied, adult charges are unlikely.

Sergeant Craig Sawyer Assistant Administrator Fairhope Police Department 107 North Section Street Fairhope, AL 36532 251.928.2385 Fax- 251.929.2417

There has been NO statement from the City Council. It will be interesting to see how this story unfolds.

A more disturbing piece of information should be the Police report of Council President Jack Burrell. Mr. Burrell never disclosed any arrests record or police record prior to his running for elected office.

Kids drinking is one thing. An undisclosed Police report by a City Council president is yet another.

A Councilman, much less the Council President should not have the reputation of a juvenile.