Baldwin County legislators are having a field day under, puppet Governor, Poison Ivy. Goat Hill is throwing one bill after another in the pot of corruption. The whole time they are playing the Alabama citizens as patsies. Your elected officials are testing the gullibility of the citizens of the State.

Legislators want you to believe that the only accountability for political corruption is the Ethics Commission, which they control. Spin does not even come close to the outright lies they have been promoting through various legislative bills.

The Ethics Commission is a toothless tiger, controlled and operated by the same legislators that have pulled their teeth out and now want to break the jaw. The Ethics Commission provides, “protection from prosecution” of any elected official. accused of Ethics violations, that is providing they are in the Republican party. The Ethics Commission is like toilet paper with holes in it.

Last week they wanted to legalize corruption.

This week they, your elected Baldwin County officials, want you to swallow the whole stupid pill and believe that Economic Development lobbyist are not really lobbyist. What is a few “ dinners or incentives” thrown to the feet of legislators? It is the way business is conducted in the “third world” of Alabama.

This Facebook post says it best.


This bill grants cover for people offering “incentives” in exchange for access to power and influence. It eliminates a paper trail. It enables those lawmakers on the receiving end of those “incentives” to hide the names and identities of their benefactors. That’s all this is intended to do. Let’s call those “economic developers” ghosts who operate under a blanket of obscurity, anonymity, and secrecy and whose power is enormous because they can buy access to the most influential lawmakers absent impunity. As far as the government is concerned the ghosts don’t exist and that makes it nearly impossible to hold crooked lawmakers accountable when they sell their vote to the highest bidder.

It is interesting to see where our newly elected State Senator Elliott, aka the TAX MAN, comes down on the above. At the same time the TAX MAN is trying to catch some valuable public relations by supporting the Police. The TAX MAN has P.R. people and they know the key words are crime, education religion, veterans, police, abortion and immigration. Mention any one and you divert the conversation and provide cover for the self serving interest of the elected official.

We all support the Police, Elliott however, supports and uses the police for public relations and Sheriff Hoss Mack is more than willing to ride the same wave for the very same reason.