The Fly Creek apartments, aka, Fairhope Village Apartments at Publix was one of the most blatant acts of corruption in Fairhope. Over 5 lawsuits, resulting from polluting Fly Creek, drainage issues and multiple violations, has cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Many public meetings were held some with attendance of 250 to 300 people opposing the project being built on the banks of fly Creek. It was one of the reasons Tim Can’t lost his re-election bid and the council was exposed for back door meetings with developers.

The biggest bare face liars were the then Mayor and his benefactor developer Arthur Corte who spun more bull-shit than a cattle farm. Council President Jack Burrell did his usual babble acting as if he was listening to the public, only to betray them in the end.

The academy award for lying, goes hands down to Mr. Stewart “The Liar” Speed of the Leaf River Group, the developers from Mississippi. Mr. Speed , told the Fairhope audience, 250 to 300 citizens, that the apartments would be a luxury apartments. That they were going to be the signature apartments of Leaf River and would never be sold to any other apartment management group. He said it would be environmental sound and never contaminate Fly Creek. Everything he told the audience was lies and he knew it when he said it. This was all recorded live so there is no denying it.

Since construction their has been 5 lawsuits, contamination of the creek, destruction of easements and right-a-ways and failure to provide infrastructure for traffic on Parker Road, these are just a few of the issues. The apartments, since completion, have suffered poor management, partial flooding, electric and water pressure issues. Management by Leaf River Group was poor and soon replaced only to be replaced again when the project was sold. That’s right they sold the apartments just as predicted.

A lawyer and an employee of the Grand Hotel gave me a little insight into Mr Speed’s history. Seems he moved on to a project in Mobile where he again used his talent of lying on another project. That project was sold before completion and Mr. Speed’s performance matched his failings in Fairhope.

Another thing that has come to light, and not a surprise, was the behind the scenes communications Speedy had with Council President Jack Burrell. Burrell was responsible for the gift.

Speed is still working on town homes being built in the same Fly Creek project. Overpriced with a view of the Publix loading dock and surrounded by red clay, they are not selling well.

Seems Mr. Speed likes Fairhope and he now is going to make it his new home. He has divorced his wife of 25 years and is going to remarry at the Grand Hotel this Friday. You can bet that crowd is the who’s who of Baldwin development. Baldwin County is ripe for development rape and with Mr. Speed’s well earned reputation of lying to the every day citizens, this certainly qualifies him as a Baldwin County developer.

Consumers, Citizens and investors beware Mr Liar Liar Pants on Fire, Speed, should not be trusted and certainly not believed.