Lt. Governor Ainsworth breaks with Governor: Opposes the Veterans power grab bill -

Lt. Governor Ainsworth breaks with Governor: Opposes the Veterans power grab bill -

By Brandon Moseley -

February 11, 2025 – MONTGOMERY, AL – Alabama Lieutenant Governor Will Ainsworth shocked many Republican legislators by releasing a statement opposing the Governor’s takeover of the Department of Veterans Affairs bill – Senate Bill 67.

SB67 is sponsored by State Senator Andrew Jones (R-Centre) who is carrying the bill at the request of Alabama Governor Kay Ivey (R).

After Veterans Commissioner Kent Davis filed an ethics complaint with the Alabama Ethics Commissioner Kim Boswell, Gov. Ivey declared war on the Davis, the Veterans Board that run the Board, and veterans’ groups around the state. She fired Davis – even though the Board refused to back that action and then got Jones to carry a bill doing away with the Board and giving herself the power to pick a new board as well as the new Veterans Commissioner. The Senate is set to consider SB67 when it gavels in at 2:00 p.m. CST.

“When it comes to filling the needs of veterans, men and women who have actually worn a uniform should remain in charge,” Lt. Governor Ainsworth said.

Senator April Weaver (R-Briarfield) and Senator Chris Elliott (R-Josephine) both have come out in public opposition to the bill.

Ivey insisted in her State of the State address that she and she alone should appoint the Commissioner of the Department of Veterans Affairs so that the Commissioner “Is a team player.”

Currently the state’s veterans’ groups give the governor a list of three names for her or him to select board members from and the board (which includes the Governor) selects the Commissioner; but Gov. Ivey refuses to share power with the veterans’ groups. The board governs the department and sets the policies of the department. Under the Ivey/Andrew Jones bill the board would simply advise the Department but actually power would rest with the governor through her appointed Commissioner.

Rep. Ed Oliver (R-Dadeville) is sponsoring the bill in the Alabama House of Representatives.