Highway 98 and Parker Road is Fairhope’s Malfunction Junction, compliments of a Catalyst City Council. Fairhope’s City Council supported the developer, and the developer supported them. A good ole boy deal that will impact every citizen in Fairhope and everyone else that goes through that intersection.

This is a very dangerous intersection and accidents are common. Use extreme caution through this intersection. It is going to become more dangerous every month this year.

Please read this article written almost a year ago:

The apartments will soon be completed and another 48 units have been approved on Parker Road. The neighborhood of 16 houses and roughly 50 people will grow to 500 to 700 more people and 400 plus cars exiting Parker Road and Publix. These cars will represent several trips daily, impacting the intersection by an equivalent of over a 1000 cars, a day, once construction is complete.

Please remember this when the 2020 Fairhope Municipal Elections are held Aug. 25th. It is in your best interest to vote this council out. Replace the 5 Catalyst Council members with women, young candidates and minorities.

QUALIFICATIONS for Fairhope City Council, July 7 to 21, 2020 Step up Candidates. Get rid of the good ole boys, once and for all, Fairhope deserves better.