Ronan Mc Sharry should be banned from any club or bar serving alcohol. Because if he claims that your establishment “made him get drunk” and caused him to knock a woman off a bar stool. He then will sue the same establishment.

McSharry has never apologized or acknowledged he has done anything wrong after multiple incidents.

If you think McSharry’s behavior is acceptable, then do not be surprised if one day, your child, shows the same disrespect for women, that YOU taught them.

The Fairhope City Attorney and Fairhope Municipal Judge should be removed from office. They represent special interests and developers and the Judge is one of Fairhope largest developers. The current City Council and Mayor share the same bed. In Fairhope the good ole boys rule and they have the judiciary on their side.

McSharry is pissed that everything was captured on video and now he wants to claim that everyone is against him, and that his attorney’s fees are exorbitant. Here’s a tip McSharry, stop filing dumb ass lawsuits, paying “exorbitant” legal fees, and assaulting women. Another tip would be to acknowledge the video and apologize, all you are doing now is pouring gas on a fire.

“In McSharry’s third-party complaint, he alleges that because of LWCC’s conduct, he was directly caused to ‘suffer damages.’ A complete reading of the complaint shows that McSharry was not injured in person, property or means of support. In fact, the only injury that McSharry seems to have sustained is his financial cost of defending himself,” LWCC claims.

“In addition to McSharry’s alleged defenses against LWCC, he claims a settlement agreement was reached with DiNardi just weeks before she filed her lawsuit “whereby all of DiNardi’s claims asserted against McSharry in this lawsuit would be dismissed without prejudice. DiNardi has refused to abide by the terms of that settlement agreement.”

McSharry has never apologized and has claimed that the “knocking her of the bar stool, stemmed from an argument, total bullshit. McSharry also claims a settlement had been reached, wrong again a settlement was offered early on and DiNardi declined.

But when police were called to the Little Whiskey Christmas Club in response to DiNardi’s assault claim, they found McSharry had a “strong odor of alcohol,” “slurred his speech” and was so intoxicated “he couldn’t hardly walk,” according to officers’ testimony. Plus, the surveillance video that captured the attack was shown to the court. Fairhope Municipal Judge Haymes Snedeker found McSharry guilty of both counts and imposed a sentence of 180 days

Baldwin County Circuit Judge Clark Stankoski, who “requested” to hear the case, dismissed the most serious charge, which is on video, of assault, which McSherry already plead guilty to in municipal court.

McSherry’s attorney James Pittman wants to float conspiracy theories and challenge the state’s Shield Law. Pittman is blaming everyone else, except McSherry.

This week the Fauxhope city attorney, Marcus McDowell represented Paula DiNardi in a case that was suppose to be an assault and intoxication charge against Ronan McSharry, owner of McSharry’s bar in Fairhope.

This has been a high profile case and another failure of the city attorney, city council and municipal judge. McSharry, already on probation, had help from the city attorney who, conveniently and repeatedly, failed to file the assault charge leaving McSharry with only having to face an intoxication charge in circuit court. The judicial hand off to a Judge that “wanted” the case.

Judge Stankowski, after a one day trial where McSharry was found guilty, rendering a sentence of one year, unsupervised probation, without addressing the assault charge or the fact McSharry had already been sentenced to 6 months in jail and was on probation at the time of the assault on DiNardi.

How does a bar owner, continuously break the law and walk?

If you are Ronan McSharry it appears not to be a problem.

McSharry’s was the watering hole for Judges, Attorneys and of course McSharry’s best friend, Council President Jack Burrell, who was honored with a sandwich on the menu named after him. Jack also has a police report that he never disclosed prior to the last election.

PLEASE exercise the Court of Public Opinion, since Fairhope’s Judicial system is a failure: