Of 150,104 registered voters, in Baldwin County, only 36,073 voted, that is only 24% of the voters.
The average age of voters was 61. WOW think about that! Over 76% of the voters did not vote and with an average age of 61. It is more than apparent that most people below the age of 60 just do not give a damn about politics. With voter participation that low, Baldwin County is ripe for political corruption which leads to loss of quality of life and property values.
If that is not embarrassing enough, this is. The ballot was a single page with the four commission seats on the back of the ballot. District one was Burt and Ball with Ball winning with 1016 votes. In district two, Davis and Lake, Davis won by 1314 and district four, Gruber and Johnson, Gruber won by 675.
Out of 27,511 republican ballots cast only 22,308 voted in the district 4 commissioner race, 21,648 in the district 2 commissioner race, and 22,907 in the district 1 race, In the district 3commissioner race there were 23,936, the highest number of votes out of a pool of 27,511 Republicans. Meaning 3,575 or more voters did not bother voting on the Commissioners race. The most reasonable summation is that
That is enough votes to swing anyone of the four commission seats.
Another interesting note is that Billie Joe Underwood received about 2000 more votes cast for any other commissioner. She was the only candidate that reminded people prior to the voting date that the commissioner’s race was on the back of the ballot.
That is enough votes to swing anyone of the four commission seats.
Baldwin County missed the boat on this election in more ways than one.
In the primary Catalyst won three of 8 positions they sponsored. They lost 2 and three are in runoff’s.
The Probate Judge race is down to two candidates, neither is Catalyst. Harry D’ Olive who surprised a lot of people, who had him last, he finished first. His challenger is Alan Lipscomb. Baldwin County is lucky in this race, either candidate will do a good job. They are NOT Catalyst.
Catalyst has three candidates under their umbrella: PEOPLE’S CHOICE
Chris Elliott State Senate Seat 32 DAVID NORTHCUTT
Tucker Dorsey County Commission District 3 BILLIE JO UNDERWOOD
Michelle Thomason Court of Civil Appeals CHRISTY OLINGER EDWARDS
The Ripp Report thanks Doug Jones and David Peterson, both are social media contributors, for their insight in the interpretation of the election results. These results are not official.