Only in Fairhope can someone with a high school education become the utility director with absolutely no experience at the job. Mayor Sullivan gets a $25,000 utility salary as well as her second check as Mayor.

No other job classification among Fairhope employees exists where “No Experience” is needed.

Mayor Wilson refused the dual salary and position of utility director for the much more prudent decision to hire a qualified utility engineer, with education and experience.

Burrell and Sullivan chose to return to Tim Kant days of the past and fired the engineer to put High School Sullivan in charge.

Mayor Sullivan and Council President Burrell Joined forces to confront citizen concerns in the Hawthorne Glenn Subdivision.

The subdivision was given less that a week’s notice that previous plans, discussed the last three years, for an electric sub station next to the ABC store, had been abandoned for a location within their subdivision, zoned as single family.

Exercising no transparency, little notice, and a whole lot of bullshit, the city purchased property within the subdivision and proceed to bulldoze their latest plan to “Enhance Development” and provide the “Developers” their electric demands, while ignoring the citizens investment in their property as well as their Quality of Life.

Citizens showed up and voiced their disgust with the city’s lack of transparency and deaf attitude. The issue was tabled until June 10th meeting. The public should support Hawthorne Glenn citizens that oppose putting an electric sub station in a residential neighborhood.

It could happen in your subdivision!

“Filling in the retention pond behind the ABC store was costing us about $1 million in dirt, so by paying $250,000 for this land, we saved about three-quarters of a million,” Burrell said. “We thought we were being good stewards of the people’s money.”

This is called Jack Burrell economics aka bullshit.

It was Mr Burrell who purchased 114 acres near the Airport for recreation at a price of $2.65 million. In his esteem wisdom, he then leased it to a farmer for $9000 a year, because the city had no funds for development.

A million dollars for dirt?

Hell, Fairhope has 114 acres of dirt worth $2.65 million that could be used to fill Jack’s million dollar, quarter acre hole.

Jack and Sherry, not sure who is Mayor, explained to the attending citizens that they as elected officials are charged with being conservative with tax dollars.

Laugh your ass off. This is the same two elected officials that ignored the city’s infrastructure during the Kant administration. What about the Triangle lawsuit where the city raided the utility fund for $3 million to pay off a lawsuit the city LOST.

What about that $600,000 clock deal Jack brokered?

For a 26×60 lot ?

The purchase price was $525,000 with the city paying half the cost and the Fairhope Single Tax Colony paying the remaining $262,500.

Once the purchase is complete, the city will have full ownership, according to earlier reports.

Burrell said Thursday that the city needs to move forward with the purchase.

What about the 5 million plus for the K-1 school that has deteriorated to the point that the city spent around $100,000 for a temporary roof?

Purchased in Sept 2018, the K-1 center continues to disintegrate.

What about the Council and Mayor voting themselves full family Insurance?

No other employees enjoy those benefits?

They are looking out for your tax dollars. Ha Ha

What about the $6.2 million Waterfront project. Tens of thousands wasted in design and changes to the plan that Jack used as a political weapon in the last election, against the best interests of the community.

What about the toll Jack proposes for all citizens crossing the proposed new Bay Bridge, after he pledged “No Toll” ?

Jack fought against districts and district representation as well as opposing a city manager, all so he can maintain control and power. Jack wants citizens powerless and ignorant.

Jack is at the controls. Trouble is, he is out of control.

Last but not least is Jacks bid rigging at the Airport.

The meetings are no longer recorded, thanks Jack. We appropriate the Airport each year to the tune of $330,000 a year, yet we have no title and the Airport, like the golf course losses money every year.

Less than 1% of the citizens use the Airport or Golf Course.

You cannot trust Jack or Sherry to tell the truth, be ethical or transparent.

Please attend the June 10th meeting and support Hawthorne Glen residents. Be sure to wear high boots the shi- is going to be deep.