Fairhope should now begin to see the writing on the wall. The Fairhope City Council is voting as a unit and the council president, Jack Burrell, is calling the shots. One thing that is perfectly clear is that any recommendations from the mayor will be meet with stiff resistance, regardless of it’s merit.

The last city council meeting, Sept 11, left little doubt as to how far the council will go to oppose the mayor. The city’s insurance was on the agenda and one bid had been received and a second bid came in 23 hours after the deadline. The second bid was with a company the mayor brought to the table. The council in it’s infinite wisdom decided not to open the second bid and refused to allow both bids to be resubmitted. The end result was the council accepted the bid they wanted and rejected the mayors. That cost taxpayers and employees 60 thousand dollars and better coverage, but the council, again, put their agenda before public trust. Burrell insisted that the decision had nothing to do with the Mayor, remember this, it is very important and will come up again.


Council President Burrell, “allowed” the Ripp Report to address the council after refusing to at the last council meeting. This is a common stunt with Mr Burrell he has used public participation to silence his critics before. He did not apologize or overtly recite the policy of public participation, however he did concede that non residents will be allowed to speak, mighty white of him. He also admitted that the public participation at the end of council meetings was meant for comments from the public not restricted to topic. Let’s see how long he goes before he silences someone else!

Councilman Boone defended any city document leaks as transparency. The council has subpoena information that may be of use by the 3 pending claims against the city. This information was leaked to tabloid press, Mr. Boone calls this transparency. Please think about that, the council is aiding and abetting the lawsuits against the city, for the sole purpose of attacking the Mayor. What Mr Boone is not saying is that no less than two lawyers warned the council not to leak such information.


These are examples of what Mr. Boone never told anyone I guess he will thank us for being transparent.

A special council meeting was called by Mr Burrell on a Thursday, only 3 days after the regular meeting to discuss Fairhope Airport Authority business another example of transparency.

The council needs to provide barf bags at the council meetings.