Don’t let anyone tell you Louisiana or Mississippi is more corrupt than Alabama. Alabama is first by a long shot. Corruption is a way of life and often involves “good people” that are considered leaders in the community and good Christians. Sometimes the corruption is so blatant it is hard to comprehend why no authorities step in. The local media is virtually non existent, the Ethics Commission lacks any credibility and other authorities seem to be asleep at the wheel.

An outgoing member - Dr. Stewart Hill Tankersley - says a majority of his colleagues want to weaken the commission and see it fail.

They are more interested, he says, in providing legal cover to powerful politicians than carrying a torch for what is right. For what is ethical.

It ought to be dynamite. Tankersley says three members – Jerry Fielding, Frank “Butch” Ellis, Jr. and Charles Price – see ethics as an obstacle to get around instead of a goal to reach. They bend over backward for the rich and powerful, hammer the average “Ricky Bobby from Talladega” for far smaller crimes.

“So,” I asked, “They’ve been corrupted by the machine that corrupts the politicians?”

“No!” he said. “They haven’t been corrupted by it. They’re a part of it.”

In Birmingham a current corruption trial involves lawyers government agencies, Mayors, City Councils and other elected officials.

“I worry too. Because this is how it works. Not just at AEMC and ADEM but in city councils and county commissions across this state. In the Legislature, the governor’s office and in regulatory bodies that are supposed to be looking out for your interests.”

Who can you trust?

Four state lawmakers have been convicted since 2014.

Let’s not forget the Luv Gov who resigned and Speaker of the House Hubbard who is packing his bags for jail. Then we HAD big Luther as Attorney General who gave the Luv Guv his walking papers and turned a blind eye to Sen. Pittman and the cool 750,000 dollars he skimmed from BP.

From the Governors office to the smallest communities elected officials use their office for personal gain. A good local example is the City Council in Fairhope, who obstruct the Mayor while they ignore any allegations that may arise against their friends or fellow councilmen. They put their political agenda and friends first and constituents last.

The City Council of Fairhope is supporting disgruntled and fired employees in their efforts to sue the very City the Council represents. The City Council also supports the Fairhope Airport Authority while ignoring the Mayor and the best interests of the community they serve. Their obstruction encourages corruption and provides cover for the guilty parties, their friends.

ALABAMA is the most corrupt state in the United States and will remain so until the voters wake up and stop straight ticket voting and educate themselves on the candidates. Corruption has become acceptable.