Fairhope City Council and the Mayor are giving away money like green stamps. They scream and yell about taking federal money for anything, but when it is available they cash the check. Hypocrites does not even come close to describing Fairhope’s present government.

Remember the 2020 Arts and Craft show, where the city council and then candidate Sherry Sullivan, made Covid a political issue? They wanted to “TAKE A CHANCE” with the communities health and proceed with the scheduled Arts and Craft Show. They pushed the mask debate, defending everyone’s right to do what ever the hell they wanted. How about the Christmas parade, where Mayor Sullivan turned a bind eye to masks, health experts, and the Covid Pandemic.

“I raised a possible scenario that this event may need to be canceled or rescheduled to mitigate potential exposure.

This scenario is the last thing I’d want for our City. However, as the City’s Chief Executive, I take the health, welfare and safety of every Citizen and Visitor to this City very seriously. If the status of the virus changes within our state and the State Health Officer issued recommendations that such large events are not held, that will become my position as well.” Mayor Karen Wilson”

That was leadership then. Now we have no leadership.

Now it is a different story, the feds have sent Fairhope some money so they will eat their hat and cash the check. NOW the mayor and council see the problem with Covid because Now Fairhope has employees that are sick or not vaccinated. Now we have a pandemic of the UN-vaccinated created by our own lack of leadership and ignorance.

Where is all that bravado about no masks from Jack Burrell and Mayor Sullivan?

What happened to their fiscal conservatism.

FREE MONEY that is what happened.

“The American Rescue Plan, approved by Congress earlier this year, provided money for municipalities to compensate employees affected by the pandemic. In May, the city awarded its full-time employees $500 for working through the pandemic, but with proof of vaccination they are now eligible for $500 more. Part time employees who get vaccinated may receive $250 and seasonal employees will receive $125. “

What about the employees constitutional rights not to mask or vaccinate? I guess everything is for sale.

Fairhope’s leadership has now got their ass in a crack, defending masks and paying for vaccinations. They created the problem with their insistence of making Covid a political issue and not recognizing a pandemic is a health issue. They have been, for over a year, chastised by doctors, hospitals and teachers for sending mixed messages to the public.

“Earlier in the meeting, resident Stephanie Durnin said she was disappointed to see the item on the agenda and its approval indicates the council lacks fiscal conservatism.

“Incentivizing a vaccination with our taxpayer funds is unconscionable and will cost a fortune,” she said. “It doesn’t matter that money came from the federal government, where do you think they got it from? It is not the place of the government to rain money on those who participated in a voluntary medical procedure.”

This was the position of the council and mayor but they changed their mind after they got federal money, now they HAVE GOT TO SPEND IT.

“Another resident, Stephanie Hannon, said the resolution was “wrong,” “bordering on coercion,” and “tantamount to bribery.” She came armed with facts and data gathered about the pandemic, suggesting the incentive may cause a rift between employees and advising caution regarding unapproved vaccines.

“The emergency use of COVID-19 vaccines come with known and unknown risks,” she said. “Should our city employees be injured due to taking your offer and submitting to the experimental vaccinations, what will your response be?”

Stephanie Durnin and Stephanie Hannon are echoing the city council and mayor’s previous statements. Now the message is take the money, get vaccinated, wear a mask, and forget all previous statements by council and mayor.

Covid is the “political” argument that the council created and blabbed about for over a year. Strange how little money it takes to change the Fairhope Council and Mayor’s mind.

Council President Jack Burrell, who tested positive for corona virus last year, said it’s a personal choice.“Nobody’s going to chastise you if you don’t,” he said, adding that there is no animosity between employees who have been vaccinated and those who haven’t. “I don’t think there is a downside to this.

Please remember it was Jack Burrell who boasted that the proposed Bayway Bridge should be built WITHOUT federal money. This was his Christian, fiscal conservatism, talking. Flip flopping Jack, backtracked that statement, when he removed his foot from his mouth and realized that the bridge could not be built WITHOUT federal funding.

The downside is that the council and mayor never made a clear decision on Fairhope Covid protocol and have, through their own lack of leadership, created the situation they now face. Jack’s quote is typical Jack B.S. And demonstrates that he still cannot make a definitive statement without talking in circles.

Alabama is at a 39% vaccination, the worst in the United States. Fairhope’s lack of leadership during the pandemic, is an example, why we are “DEAD” last.

The Fairhope Mayor and City Council have not been taking into consideration, or listening, to our first responders, teachers, nurses, and doctors, that have to deal with Covid on a daily basis. In the past they have ignored them, while politicizing the pandemic.

Get vaccinated and wear a mask, Covid is no joke. This is now a PANDEMIC OF THE UN-VACCINATED

Fairhope employees please pick up your federal Covid incentive money, from Jack Burrell. Be sure to count the money and get a receipt.