State Senator Chris Elliott, aka TAX MAN, needs tax money to travel, so he co-sponsored a bill for his travel expenses. The newly elected State Senator is rumored to have used the proposed travel expenditure to strong arm other legislators, by holding up other bills being considered. It is not nice to piss off Goat Hill, especially when your a lamb.

An extra bonus for the TAX MAN is the air miles he will accumulate, and you can be assured he will use them for future travel.

“State Sen. Chris Elliott this week defended a bill he co-sponsored that, along with reallocating funding traditionally awarded to the Baldwin County legislative delegation, also awarded him $7,500 per year in travel expenses. “

LET’S GO TO PARIS. Elliott wants to go to the Paris Air Show, which he has attended several times as a county commissioner. So he co sponsored a bill to increase his travel expenses. The Paris Air Show is an international event and way above Elliott’s pay grade. Elliott has yet to bring home any bacon, from any travels, only photo’s.

“Elliott said as a proponent of economic development, he intends to travel more than legislators have typically done in the past. “

Elliott thinks his travel expenses are more important than, what he calls “pet” projects. Elliott’s travel expenses sounds more like a “pet’ project.

Elliott’s example of a “pet” project; “the delegation spent $50,000 from the fund on a painting of the Fort Mims Massacre by Fairhope artist Dean Mosher. Reached afterward for rebuttal, Mosher said that money also funded an art show as part of the state’s ongoing bicentennial celebration, and the show was one of the most successful and well attended in the history of the Eastern Shore Art Center. Additional money for the show and nine murals created by Mosher was provided by the state tourism department and the Alabama Community Service Grant Program.”

Chris Elliott needs a little education when it comes to economic development. The Alabama Tourist Board, Eastern Shore Art Center, The State of Alabama’s Bicentennial Celebration and the Alabama Community Service Grant, all promote economic development.

Elliott, The TAX MAN, has increase taxes, supported the infrastructure bill, without public input, supports bridge tolls and now has increased his travel expenses since being elected. His campaign promises smell like a bad fart.

Baldwin County made a serious mistake by electing a Catalyst candidate to represent Baldwin County. Orange Beach gets the credit of pushing THE TAX MAN into office, thanks for nothing.Chris Elliott and Fairhope City Councilman Burrell are very much alike, if their lips are moving they are lying.

Be sure to get a free Lagniappe to read the complete story.