Last nights meeting opposing the Mobile Bridge Toll, is just one of many springing up around Mobile and Baldwin County.

Who is the toll going to affect most? Simple, Mobile and Baldwin County residents. The political architects of the bridge expect to do do business as usual in Alabama, cram it down the citizens throat.

State Senator Chris Elliott (R - Daphne ) said the meeting should be moved, not the people. Easy to say, now let’s see if Elliott follows up. The meeting should be held in Mobile or Baldwin County.

Fairhope Mayor Wilson said it best:

Mayor Karin Wilson of Fairhope, AlabamaJuly 30 at 10:06 PM ·

My Thoughts on the Proposed Toll for the Long-Awaited New Bridge:

I’m 100% against a toll to build this bridge whatever the fee.

The State should have invested the billion+ dollar BP settlement into the two counties that suffered the most instead of taking this money for its own operating budget. Why punish the tourists and hardworking citizens of Mobile and Baldwin County to make up the shortfall due to poor planning and budgeting? We’re the ones paying the most to the State in tourism dollars. How would a toll impact this important revenue stream?

The critical need for a new bridge has been discussed for over a decade. To react as though building it now is an overnight emergency is absurd. It’s the perfect example of government getting away with zero accountability.

A household or business cannot operate with the idea that if we cannot balance our budget we can force someone else to pay for it. We must budget within our means or fail and suffer the consequences. It’s a pretty good incentive having to be accountable.

As Mayor, I tackled the City budget the same way I do my business or household budget. Before I took office, the City was relying on half of Utility’s profits (almost $6M annually) to balance its budget. In a few short years, after cutting wasteful spending and investing in ways to become more productive and efficient, both budgets significantly improved.

The City is now self-sustaining and has paid off all its debt. Our Utility Department can use all of its profitable finally to invest in long overdue infrastructure needs.

Proposing a toll due to lack of strategic planning and budgeting is not the answer.

The State of Alabama stole and misused the money from BP. They used the money to cover up all the Goat Hill mistakes, built a Hotel and refurbished the Governor’s Beach House. State Senator Pittman, as appointed BP trustee, secured $750,000.00 in BP money, for his “tractor” company. Now Governor Poison Ivy wants to put the burden of the bridge on the backs of those who had BP money squandered by the state.

Many proposals have been mentioned to reduce the tolls or eliminate them. So here is another suggestion, A, wait until after the 2020 elections. B, increase contract to 60 years. C, Baldwin and Mobile residents will get a pass stamp on their tags, no toll. If C fails then go for a 25% toll, for Baldwin and Mobile County residents, on the retail price. $6.00 toll would be $1.50.

If all this fails then vote their sorry asses out of office and cover Goat Hill with calamine lotion.


