The poster “Boy” of corruption in Alabama is hands down the Executive Director of Alabama Ethics Commission Tom Albritton. The Attorney General, State and local Representatives, State senators, Alabama Bar and all of Goat Hill are aware of Mr Albritton’s unethical behavior in relation to the Mabel Amos Trust. However he remains in office with a 100 thousand dollar plus salary???? Teaching ethics????
He now has the audacity to lobby against any changes in the Ethics Rules. I support Representative Matt Simpson and HB-277. The Commission should call out Albritton and file a complaint with the Attorney General asking for a complete investigation into Mr. Albrittons handling of the trust and ethics violations.
The Alabama Bar decided that the Ethics Director, who is an attorney, could steal from kids, they dropped any complaints against Albritton. They have yet to acknowledge any wrong doing by Albritton even though a myriad of legal action is ongoing involving the trust.
Mr. Albritton is the classic case of a sociopath. He argues for no changes in the Alabama Ethics Commission while he is biggest offender. The details of Mr Albrittons abuse of the trust is shameful and it is obvious, by the evidence available, that he, and his friends, personally benefited from his UNETHICAL handling of the trust. He should be fired immediately face criminal charges, disbarred and exposed for the FAKE he is.