You ever notice how self righteous hypocrites love to gloat about other people’s problems, while ignoring those in their own state or community.

Politicians always deflect questions about corruption by saying another state is worse, or corruption is everywhere.

Some media outlets in Alabama avoid corruption stories because it will affect their bottom line, be it money or access to fluff stories. The same media will flock like vultures to a story “acceptable”, to run with. To be acceptable it has to be a vulnerable target, not particularly politically connected.

“My report represents approximately 20 percent of what I believe could be a $1.5 million or more fraud,” they wrote. “In my professional opinion, this may eventually lead to embezzlement, mail fraud, wire fraud and credit card fraud charges.”

This is a classic example of fair game corruption. However the same media will refuse to cover highly public corruption. Why? Because they are monetized and in Alabama corruption can cross party lines. Both parties covering for one another for fear of how their bottom line is affected or fear of losing contact with political hacks that provide free air time.

I listen to Jeff Poor show and read Alabama Political Reporter and both weave and dodge the most serious problem Alabama has, CORRUPTION. They cover national politics like Washington was in Alabama, yet ignore Alabama corruption on the highest level.

Former State Senator Tripp Pittman is often the political spokesman for the Jeff Poor show. This is the same senator who took $750,000.00 of B.P. money while he was the trustee of the funds. Baldwin County as a whole lost millions of B.P. money due to Mr. Pittman and a worthless legislative delegation. Yet he is the spokesman?

Why don’t they cover the ethics director?

“As director of the Alabama Ethics Commission, Tom Albritton is the state’s policeman for conflicts of interest and ethical breaches that can arise throughout all levels of government, but having a private charitable trust he helps oversee pay more than $100,000 for his kids’ college tuition is raising questions about his own principles.”

The media should be ashamed but they have no shame.

Lagniappe is the only publication who has the balls for investigative journalism and publishing the story regardless the stature of the individual. Alabama will not solve any of it’s problems without getting serious about prosecution of political corruption.