TOP 10 QUESTIONS for Sherry Sullivan and the general public.

By now you all have heard these weak knee interviews of soft ball questions from Fairhope candidates running for office. In Fairhope we have a fired employee who sued the city, running for Mayor, for all the wrong reasons.

Sherry Sullivan who worked under Mayor Cant for almost 16 years. Cant lost and Sherry was fired, as a result of that CATALYST was born. A political group of good ole boys who have brazening labeled themselves and are supported by developers and the profiteers that follow.

Sherry and the 3 B’s are CATALYST/Scott Boone Consulting candidates, financed by the very people degrading our quality of life, property values and schools.


Can Sherry Sullivan answer the first 10 questions honestly?

I bet not.

You as voters of FAIRHOPE should at least know the questions.

  1. If you were elected Mayor and you found out you had three employees colluding with one another to obstruct your efforts as Mayor — what would you do?

  2. What would you do if you had 3 employees that had taken city documents, without authority, and then shared the same documents with your political rivals and tabloid press?

  3. What would you do if, as Mayor, you found out the City Attorney and at least 3 City Council members were colluding with one another on ways to make you look incompetent or corrupt?

  4. What would you do if a citizen of the community was assaulted, on video, and the appointed Municipal Judge and City Attorney, repeatedly dropped the ball until the assault charge disappeared?

  5. What would you do if, as Mayor you knew a council person used their office for personal gain?

  6. What would you do if you were made aware of a council person voting on issues where the same council person had interests in those issues he voted on, that were hidden in multiple LLC’s, unknown by the general public?

  7. What would you do if a council person had a police record that had not been disclosed before the council person was elected?

  8. What would you do if 3 members of the council spent $2,650,000 on recreation land without having a dime for improvements and then they leased the land for $9,000 a year?

  9. What would you do, as Mayor, if a State Senator came to you to obtain a BP contract and municipal contracts that personally and financially benefited the elected State Senator?

  10. What would you do with the Triangle property? Do you favor a conservation easement?

If you made it this far then educate yourself on what has been going on in Fairhope the last 4 years. Pick out any question and ask Sherry, she will explain.

Read the links of the past.

Do you feel elected officials should be able to profit in any way with city contracts or city related contracts? Such as soccer fields or Art center contracts or debris removal?

What would your position if the city attorney only represented the council and ignored the Mayor?

How would you expect your transition into the Mayor’s office considering the current Mayor received NO transition?

What would your position be once in office as to people you would fire or hire?

If elected would you promise former Mayor Cant would not be hired in the position of utility director or city manager?

What would you do if council disrespected you and bullied you during council meetings?

Would you leave the utility department as is and not use utility funds to prop up general funds?

What would you do with the recreation land we paid $2,650,000 for and now have on a lease for $9000 a year?

Are you in favor of full family insurance for the city council?

Would you leave the Airport authority as is or try and get the title to the land in the name of the city?

In your previous position you outlined a budget for parks and recreation. It was discover later football couches were being supplemented in their salary during the summer as a “summer camp” hidden in a line item you created.

During the previous administration the Mayor and State Senator were involved in a BP contract that was unethical, and probably illegal. What was your position?

Would you explain your connection with Kevin Boone, Scott Boone and Catalyst?

What would you do with the K-1 center and Nix center considering the council has done nothing since purchase?

What would be your long range plans with city hall which is in need of major repairs such as a roof?

What would your position be if you found out a council person was voting on issues he had a financial interest in? Would you file an ethics complaint?

Do you think board members, be it the airport or art center, should be able to bid on issues related to the same board?

Do you favor districts? Over open seats without specific representation for city council?

Do you think it is proper to sue the city for damages and never explain to the citizens of the community what happened?

Currently the Mayor does not sit on the Planning and Zoning board. Would you continue that plan?

What would be your position on employees leaking information to the press that directly affected your ability in office?

What would be your position on employee insubordination to the Mayor?

What is your position on public participation? Should anyone be denied the right to speak?

What is your position on the council making decisions that affect the whole community, without any public participation? An example is the recreation land purchase.

What is your position on the city council president? Should it rotate every 6 months or allow one person to be President for 8 years like Jack Burrell?

CATALYST/Scott Boone supported you and Boone Brown and Burrell. Do you not think it is a conflict to have a councilman’s son supporting a block vote that includes his father?

Do you feel elected officials should be able to profit in any way with city contracts or city related contracts? Such as soccer fields or Art center contracts or debris removal?

What would your position be once in office as to people you would fire or hire?

If elected would you promise former Mayor Cant, would not be hired, in the position of utility director or city manager?

What would you do if council disrespected you and bullied you during council meetings?

Would you leave the utility department as is and not use utility funds to prop up general funds?

Are you in favor of full family insurance for the city council?

Would you leave the Airport authority as is or try and get the title to the land in the name of the city?

Would you explain your connection with Kevin Boone, Scott Boone and Catalyst?

What would you do with the K-1 center and Nix center, considering the council has done nothing since purchase?

“What’s important is that you cannot use your office to create a benefit for yourself or any business with which you’re associated or your family. You may bid on the work but you cannot have used or use in the future your position to get it awarded.” ETHICS COMMISSION" >}}

Do you think board members, be it the airport or art center, should be able to bid on issues related to the same board?

What is your position on public participation? Should anyone be denied the right to speak?

CATALYST/Scott Boone supported you and Boone Brown and Burrell. Do you not think it is a conflict to have a councilman’s son supporting a block vote that includes his father?

How do you explain CATALYST?

What action would you take if you found out a councilman had an undisclosed police report where two incidents involved juveniles?

What would be your position if a citizen came to you as Mayor and explained how they were assaulted in a public business and the individual had a reputation of assault?

How do you explain CATALYST?

What action would you take if you found out a councilman had an undisclosed police report where two incidents involved juveniles?

What would be your position if a citizen came to you as Mayor and explained how they were assaulted in a public business and the individual had a reputation of assault?

Robert Brown Ethics and Attorney General complaint, what would your position be as Mayor?

Did you notice some questions being repeated? That is because they never answer questions.