Alabama is number one in the United States when it comes to political corruption, by far. The Department of Mental Health run by Kimberly Boswell ranks “In 2024, Mental Health America ranked Alabama 50th out of 51 states for access to mental health care.” The veteran suicide rate is higher than the national Veteran average and significantly higher than the national civilian average. Let that soak in!

Alabama Veterans are now under siege by our Biden syndrome Governor who cannot make a 3 minute speech without reading every word and exiting the podium as soon as possible. Her vindictiveness is in full throttle to dismantle the Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs.

“Legislation to “restructure” the State Board of Veterans Affairs passed the Alabama State Senate 21-9 earlier this month. Opponents say it is retaliation for an ethics complaint filed against Alabama Department of Mental Health Kimberly Boswell, a member of Ivey’s cabinet last year.

The ADVA Commissioner Admiral Kent Davis filed an ethics complaint at the direction of the State Board of Veterans Affairs claiming Boswell “colluded” with other state officials to prevent the ADVA from obtaining $7 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds.” A forensic audit of the Department of Mental Health should be ordered, asap.

The Biden Syndrome Ivey became unglued over the fact that Admiral Kent Davis filed and ethics complaint against the Department of Mental Health Director Kimberly Boswell who “colluded” with other state officials to divert 7 million dollars from the American Rescue Plan Act intended for the ADVA. Where the hell is the money? How did Boswell use the 7 million meant for veterans?

The Ethics Commission dismissed the complaint and is strongly believed to have run across the street to give our absent minded Governor a copy of the complaint. This is highly illegal and as unethical as you can get. However it is not as despicable and low life as the Ethics Director Tom Albritton who used the trust of Mabel Amos to award himself $120.000 dollars for his kids scholarships. He fleeced the trust of millions and the Attorney General has done his best to bury the whole rotten mess and the involvement of the trustees and the beneficiaries of their actions. Tom Albritton is a fraud and has enjoyed a salary of over $100 thousand dollars for four years while the court cases snake their way through the courts.

“Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge Greg Griffin ordered Special Fiduciary Jim White to begin a process of gathering information related to the operations of the Amos Fund. “During the pendency of the Special Fiduciary Appointment, Regions bank is removed as Trustee of the Mabel Amos Memorial Fund,” Griffin ordered.”

Are you beginning to understand why Alabama is the undisputed most corrupt state in the United States? Our Governor has remained moot on the entire issue, instead she has focused her sights on the Veterans of Alabama.

To go after the ADVA she needed some flunky politicians to carry her water. They needed to be without testicles, ignorant of the facts, motivated for their own benefit and able to say the Pledge of Allegiance with their fingers crossed. Their reward would be the RED LIPS AWARD. The award is that a tattoo of red lips would be placed on each side of the derrier of the Governor Ivey.

The award winners are State Senator Andrew Jones and State Representive Ed Oliver who have fuled MeeMa Ivey’s vindictive drive against all Alabama Veterans. Honorable mention goes to State Senator Greg Albritton of Baldwin County and his red lips have yet to have a designated location, suggestions are welcome. It should be noted that State Senator Chris Elliott and State Senator Vivian Figures, Baldwin County, have voted against the bill stripping the ADVA, Thank You your actions will be rewarded in the next election.

Baldwin County representatives that make up the balance of the county’s legislative delegation have yet to vote. The current delegation is the best the county has had in over 20 years lets hope they do not have political suicide tendencies and RED LIPPED ambitions.

If you are a veteran, a veteran family member or an advocate of veterans contact your Baldwin County Delegation and express your support of veterans. KILL THIS BILL State Senators:

Greg AlbrittonChris ElliottVivian Davis Figures State Representatives:

Donna GivensAlan BakerJennifer FidlerFrances Holk-JonesMatt SimpsonShane Stringer

A.L.I.S.O.N (Alabama Legislative Information System Online)

Director: Cliff McCollum Email Cliff Phone: 251.990.4615