Here we go again, for over 20 years Alabama has been discussing a lottery. All that time while they were discussing gambling, Alabama was exporting dollars to other state’s lottery.
“The Legislative Services Agency estimated last year that a lottery would bring $272 million to $358 million to the state annually.”
“a constitutional amendment and enabling legislation — would create a state lottery, the proceeds of which would fund higher educations scholarships”
How much has Alabama lost in lottery income ?
“In December 2020 the group released a report projecting that gaming could boost state revenue by around $710 million per year. That figure is based on estimates that 60 percent of Alabamians would gamble, raising funds from a lottery ($300 million), casinos ($300-$400 million) and a sportsbook ($10-$15 million). The report recommended legalizing all forms of gambling.”
How much have we lost in lottery income in the last 23 years?
How much lottery money has surrounding states collected on their lottery from Alabamians who travel over the state line to buy tickets?
Any lottery approved should be a strict education lottery.
Why is Alabama always dead last?