
The Ripp Report/Backstory Podcast

We are sorry that the Freaky Friday post, Backstory Podcast #9, had some difficulties in posting to our pages. The link is up now and we encourage you to join our Facebook page.

The podcast is a new venture and we expected some difficulties, please join us on Facebook. We cover political corruption and consumer issues. Our forum is the Court of Public Opinion, and we use it to expose those elected and appointed officials that use their positions for personal gain, regardless of political affiliation.

Baldwin County is under siege from unbridled development. In certain areas such as Fairhope and Daphne the development and approved projects are popping up faster than corn. Judges and Attorneys are developers and the City Council that appointed them, now approve their developments. Thousands of houses and apartments will change the landscape radically in just a few years.

Traffic will be overwhelmed due to limited added roads and insufficient impact fees from development. Schools will see class sizes balloon out of control and portables will become permanent while politicians brag about recreation land. Quality of life will become more stressful and the threat of a housing crash will become real.


CATALYST , The Good ole Boys, are going to try and regain control in Fairhope. The present council is the biggest threat to that takeover. If they are successful, Fairhope will go into a backward spiral that they will not recover from.

The Ripp Report, Baldwin County legal Eagle and the Backstory Podcast are committed to informing the general public with information the politicians are hiding or lying about.

Baldwin County ,especially Fairhope needs candidates to replace the self serving council. Please consider public service, what we have now is CATALYST.