From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: A secret society is a club or an organization whose activities, events, inner functioning, or membership are concealed from non-members. The society may or may not attempt to conceal its existence.

The term usually excludes covert groups, such as intelligence agencies or guerrilla warfare insurgencies, that hide their activities and memberships but maintain a public presence.

Baldwin County has its own secret society. A political cabal of politicians, developers, judges, lawyers, even a sheriff. The Cabal operated for years under the banner CATALYST.

The name catalyst became so toxic and controversial among the public that the name changed to Scott Boone Consulting SBC, during the election cycle in 2020.

Mr Scott Boone is the son of Fairhope councilman, Kevin Boone.

How convenient is that?

The fox is in the hen house.

Fairhope is SBC central headquarters for Baldwin County and they call the shots in both. SBC was successful in electing a Mayor and 4 councilman in Fairhope and they were quick to flex their muscle.

To further the secret society, SBC, appointed a municipal judge, who is Fairhope biggest developer, and a city attorney, a SBC loyalist, to cover their backs.

To top it off they hire a law firm, Hand Anderall Sale, as additional counsel, Hand Anderall was the law firm that lied to the citizens of Fairhope over the triangle lawsuit costing taxpayers 3 million in legal fees. Who hires an attorney that loses the case and ends up costing them 3 million? Unless they are SBC.

The next move was to fire the Fairhope Utilities Director, a certified engineer, and give that job, plus a salary increase, to the Mayor who has no experience as an engineer.

Exactly what SBC wants because engineering companies can be manipulated and awarded other SBC good ole boy deals. Make no mistake, SBC put the Mayor in office and now they own the office.

SBC moved quickly to kill the waterfront project and radically changed the project to their satisfaction.

Whats next?

Here is one thing they just did knowing Fairhope residents are distracted by Covid, National politics or asleep.

CITY OF FAIRHOPE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MONDAY, 25 JANUARY 2021 – 6:00 P.M. - CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER: 7. Ordinance – Annexation – Parker Road from U. S. Highway 98 easterly approximately 1.373 feet to the end of County maintenance to the corporate limits of the City of Fairhope from Baldwin County Commission.

Sounds innocent enough, a simple annexation of 1373 feet of Parker Road.

This was suppose to happen at the completion of the infamous Publix project, over 8 years ago. Why now, because the developer of the Fly Creek Apartments, a major contributor of SBC, says so.

One of many secret moves of the secret society is to join Parker Road to Hwy 181. The developer nor SBC gives a damn about the dangerous congestion at Parker Road and Hwy.98.

Not only does the Publix Strip Mall exit on to Parker Road, over 500 residences, apartments, condos and town homes, have been approved, that will also exit onto Parker.

The developer has lied through his teeth since the project started and has had 5 lawsuits filed against the project, through the years. The Fire Station on Parker was also located on the developers “donated” land, adjacent to the apartments. Mayor Cant made that good ole boy deal.

SBC, “A secret society is a club or an organization whose activities, events, inner functioning, or membership are concealed from non-members.” Fairhope citizens are the “non-members”.

Fairhope SBC has total control of your city, in months and years to come you are going to witness wholesale corruption on a scale beyond your imagination.

Get ready for some “REDNECK RENOVATIONS”.