December 29, 2017 CONTACT: Francis P. Ripp

Local Political Activist, Consumer Advocate, & Blogger Files Federal Lawsuit Against Jack Burrell

Noted public figure and government watchdog, Francis Paul Ripp, publisher of the Ripp Report and Baldwin County Legal Eagle, a resident of Fairhope, Alabama, has filed a lawsuit in federal court, insisting that City Council President Jack Burrell denied him of his right to free speech during the city council meeting held on August 28, 2017. Ripp, in his Southern District filing, contends that Burrell denied him his constitutional rights protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments. City Attorneys, council council and city clerk, remained mute during Mr Burrell’s actions. Ripp’s lawsuit seeks damages for what he described as “humiliation” and “emotional pain.”

The meeting in question, along with Ripp’s nasty confrontation with Council President Burrell—who denied Ripp his right to speak in a public forum sanctioned by City of Fairhope ordinance—and threatened his removal and arrest for trying to address the council—was captured on the official video of the council meeting.

This is the first time Ripp has sued the City of Fairhope over refusing to allow him to address the city council. The city had denied him in the past, several times, the ability to speak at public meetings, forcing the council to adopt a new set of rules regarding public participation. These are the rules City Councilman Jack Burrell ignored when he allegedly denied Mr. Ripp, a Marine Corps veteran who served in Viet Nam, his constitutional right to free speech.

Comments from Ripp: The official recorded video of the meeting speaks for itself.

For More Information, contact: [email protected]

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CHUCKY wasted no time pumping out his latest Jack Burrell story,

In a special meeting, arranged by council president Burrell, his loyal councilmen followed his lead to vote for the well established good ole boy way of doing business. They rejected the Mayor’s suggestion of a full time city attorney, which would save the city 90,000 dollars, plus a year. The same council has been witness to Mr Burrel’s continuous obstruction of the Mayor. They have stood by mute while Burrell denied citizens their constitutional rights and demanded the Mayor be silent. What is he afraid of? What is he so scared of that he feels the need to silence critics? Ask yourself why Chuckee’s reporting always favors Burrell and never mentions Burrell’s antics, be it yelling at the Mayor or denying citizens their constitutional rights?

These questions and many more will be answered in 2018.

Let’s see how Chuckee and Jack spin the Constitution of the United States.