Baldwin County, especially Fairhope has been run by a shadow government, for many years. Good ole boys that only answer to each other, all connected by the bond to rule within. Call it Catalyst or Gumbo, referred to as the South Baldwin arm of Catalyst. Gumbo convinced Jeff Boyd to throw David Northcutt under the bus, after he had spent weeks telling us what a poor choice Elliott was. Elliott was the choice of CATAYST, the Shadow Government.

Fairhope is the home base of Catalyst, a shadow government that has tried every trick possible to remove the Mayor and take over by use of obstruction, rumor and slanted information.

I respect Chief Pettis and have known him for years. He has always treated me with respect as he does everyone. What the SHADOW GOVERNMENT, CATALYST did to the Chief, to support their agenda, was disrespectful and played on the Chief’s personal family issues, to boost their agenda.

The Ripp Report receives many e-mails, text’s and face book messages each week, this is an example of two, you make up your mind. I can see the shadow.

Listen to the Chief:

Fairhope Police Chief Retires.

Now read the comment:

Comment: ~ On Chief’s Retirement

Know what I found interesting? As I listened to Lorie DeBias’ interview with the Chief, he broke the news that he was retiring. His words were very revealing. Lorie asked him if he had actually talked to Mayor Wilson and let her know he was retiring. He told Lorie - no- but went on to say he had told Tim and the council members, and that Tim and the council members understood his decision. REALLY???? That shows right there his insubordination, disregard for the office, regardless of who was elected. It shows me that even to the end, the Chief was undermining her authority and was very passive aggressive in doing so. She even brought it up that dramatic night that no one attempted to communicate with her. They do not want to. If you avoid giving someone the information they need to make improvements to a department, or buck the changes implemented by your superior; you are causing conflicts. I also think that deep down the Chief knows that his participation in that last farce was wrong on many levels. He was used. He was planning on retiring anyway. Tim’s Little gang of misfits found themselves someone easy to manipulate and use as their poster boy. And they did! Back to that interview with Lorie DeBias, I started laughing. Wish I could take his deposition, I could punch holes through his original story of “ I’ve been harassed and mistreated”. It seems that a group was involved in harrassing the Mayor and are intent to continue it.

The Chief still does not realize that TIM IS NO LONGER THE MAYOR and he does NOT report to him or anyone on that council.

And, that my friends was the problem and his downfall! And, it was the downfall of the cheerleaders standing behind him that night!

They all went down due to their own demise. You see, some folks just like drama and the gossip mill. Apparently it was more fun to run and tell Tim the inside scoop that just doing their job. None of them realize that Tim was no longer in charge, and they just couldn’t get over it. Kind of like Hillary. Maybe Tim and Hillary could hold hands and go for a walk in the woods.

If you work for government, you have to understand that the politics are a fact of life and the person who wins the election has EVERY LEGAL right to hire and fire, and choose those that he or she wishes to represent the platform on which he or she ran. This group has shown us every step of the way that they behaved poorly when this women took office. They played games with her, goaded her, undermined her authority, tried to embarrass her, and continued to report to Tim as if he were Mayor. They should have accepted and tried to work with her. After all, until they showed their true agenda, she was willing to keep them all, even when she had no obligation to do so. One of Mayor Wilson’s issues was transparency and ending the corruption. Apparently, they didn’t want her in their playhouse. And after listening carefully today, I was convinced more than ever that these folks are a huge part of the stain that is now on our City. All of them from the GCN reporter, the radio lady with the deep voice, the Council and department heads. While they may not like Mayor Wilson, they should respect the majority who voted Tim out and her in. If you listen long enough, the truth does eventually come out.

Thank you for listening to my point of view. Not all will like it, but it is completely acceptable to have an opinion that differs from someone else’s.

Thank You.

I disagree about the “department Heads” being included with the misfits. All of the department heads support the Mayor and each has received push back by the Council. The department heads today are far more qualified, experienced and competent, than anytime in Fairhope’s past.

Let’s not leave out the Catalyst media outlet:

Second Comment:

A Plea to Alabama Conservatives: “What do you have to lose?” By Anonymous August 3, 2018 ? Dear Mr. Ripp: I read your site on the regular and wanted to write in to your many readers. I am a long-time Baldwin County resident. ? To all of you conservatives out there: To borrow a phrase from President Trump (who is not really a republican): ? “What do you have to lose?” ? What exactly motivates you to vote for Alabama republicans? ? What exactly is lost when and if you vote for a democrat over a republican? ? Would it possibly be more useless, hypocritical candidates like Robert Bentley, “The Luv Guv”? ? Recall the former pastor admonishing the electorate during his inaugural address: “If you are not a Christian, you are not my brother, and…I don’t want you.” This is not what Jesus said to do. ? Many of you have grandparents who “only voted Democrat.” Ask yourself a question: “Were they bad people?” ? Please consider voting for democrats Walt Maddox and Jason Fisher. ? Chris Elliott is corrupted by the ill-fated machine that runs Montgomery. This is the same machine that has repeatedly put its own special pecuniary interests over the common interests of the people.

Thank you Mr. Ripp.
