Finally! For multiple reasons, Sheriff Hoss Mack is retiring. It could be the Federal investigation, the internal investigation, wrongful conviction, federal Lawsuit of Johnathan Victor and a myriad of internal problems within BCSO involving morals, accountability, transparency and of course the GOB, Good ole Boy culture that permeates the entire department.

Now is the time for the deputies to put forward who they want as Sheriff. Mack had Andre set up for the position however Andre could not keep his pants up. Next choice would be Anthony Lowery who judging from the comments following the articles, and his checkered history with BCSO, as well as a closet full of cobwebs, Lowery would be the poorest of choices.

Also read the comment on this post:

It should also be noted that Anthony Lowery went along with “Captain Mack” in 04 In the Wrongful Conviction of Murray Lawrence Jr. That case is weaving it way through the courts. The conviction earned Mack the promotion to Sheriff and assured Lowery a cushy Friday paycheck and tenure in BCSO. Lowery would be worse than Mack.

Mack’s replacement for Sheriff should in no way have any connection to Mack. When he leaves, let the door slam on his ass.

A special election should be held and the current deputies should lobby for their choice. Mack will try to influence the Governor, if it comes to an appointment, to select his hand picked choice. Pressure should be applied to the county commission to support change within the BCSO. Mack will use the commissioners like puppets, so pay attention.