Baldwin County’s legal system relies to much on shutting people up. Criminal acts, political misconduct, court proceedings and civil litigation are “sealed” or CONFIDENTIALITY agreements are required to settle issues. Often this allows the guilty party to go on their merry way, until the next incident. Of course money is also an ingredient to grease the wheel while keeping everything out of the eye of the public domain.

How can you have any accountability or transparency if all the bad deeds are sealed? What incentive is their to do the right thing if you know you can always buy your way out and shut your accuser up.

Three former employees have brought lawsuits against the City of Fairhope. All three have made allegations against the City and the Mayor. One case is pending the other two settled and had their cases sealed. All those allegations, go unanswered because both former employees took the money then signed confidentiality agreements, the pending case will most likely end up the same way. They get taxpayer dollars and never have to explain anything to the taxpayer!

The Ripp Report is following two criminal cases and three civil cases. The common denominator with these cases is that the attorneys want everything sealed. It is not uncommon for a victim, plaintiff, of a criminal case, to get an offer to settle the issue, prior to court, for a sum of money, accompanied by a confidential agreement. The guilty party, silently, walks away.

Limiting public participation or community engagement by elected officials, is another common practice in Baldwin County.

The President of the Fairhope City Council has the infamous reputation of being the only Council President in Alabama to be hauled into Federal Court for refusing a citizen, and veteran, from exercising free speech. This case was settled WITHOUT any confidentiality agreement.

The same Council President, Jack Burrell, adding to his resume, has a Police record, that is public record. Mr Burrell failed to mention this the last time he ran for office. On “HIS” record several incidents are sealed, how convenient.

Fairhope has three very important issues, the K-1 Center, Triangle Conservation Easement and the Comprehensive Land use Plan, that demand, Community Engagement. The Council President feels that three councilman is all it takes to decide these three very important issues.

What do ya want Fairhope? To be silenced, or be a part of the Community?