Heads up, sounds like two different authorities are checking out Fairhope. The Ripp Report is waiting on tips to the Rippster in the hopes of finding out who’s in hot water. Something tells me that the next couple of weeks leading up to the primary election June 5, is going to be very interesting. Stay Tuned.

The State Senate Seat for District 32 is one of the more important races of this mid-term. This position was held by boom boom Pittman who was more concerned about his own pocket and covering for the Sheriff. The first thing a new Senator should do is roll back the qualifications for Sheriff that Pittman put in place for Baldwin County. Only Baldwin County has the “structured” qualifications for sheriff in the whole state.

Not only did Boom Boom Pittman skim 750,000 of BP money for his personal tractor company. He also did not bring home the bacon when it came to BP funds for the county. Fact is the Baldwin County delegation, County Commissioners and representatives left BP money on the table in goat hill. Out of a BILLION dollars Baldwin County, the most affected by BP spill, got a little over 100 million, that is disgraceful.

Five candidates are lined up for the seat, 4 Republicans and one Democrat. The Catalyst candidate should be the first one you eliminate, Chris Elliott. The County employees are praying for Elliott and Dorsey, to be voted out. They are fed up with the whole County Commission.

Some early polls suggest that Elliott may be beat out in the first round and not even make the run off.

Leading the Field is David Northcutt. Mr Northcutt is definitely qualified and appears to be his own man. He has had experience on Goat Hill and realizes that almost 37% of the state’s budget comes from Baldwin County. We have not been getting our fair share and no one has had balls enough to stand up to Montgomery politicians.

Dr. David Northcutt for State Senate – Alabama District 32

Source: Link No Longer Exists

Runner up is Jeff Boyd who has been placed a little in front of Elliott, who is third. Jeff is a councilman in Orange Beach and also realizes the importance of the Senate Seat. He saw first hand the devastation of the BP oil spill.

Bill Roberts is new to the area, however he has had experience in government. Please take the time and research each one of these candidates yourself. It would be great if Bill beat Elliott.

Link No Longer Exists

The top two of the above will face off in a runoff. Then in November the winner of the runoff will face a Democrat, Jason Fisher. All over the state the Democrats and women have been stepping up and running for office. Hopefully people will stop voting party and begin to evaluate the candidates on qualifications, not just party affiliation.

You have four candidates to choose from so why choose a Catalyst Candidate?