NO state is as corrupt as Alabama! The case below involves the Executive Director of the Alabama Ethics Commission Tom Albritton who has been able to maintain his position despite his criminal behavior. How do politicians in Alabama keep a straight face when they accuse Washington of corruption when they proudly wear the United States gold star of corruption?
“This attorney general can not be trusted to represent the best interest of the fiduciaries who are financially needy children in the state of Alabama,” Mathews said. “This is going to be the sweetest settlement you ever saw.”
It’s a real soap opera to say the least. But I also can’t help starting to feel like there’s a lot of political maneuvering going on behind the scenes here. First of all, Judge Johnny Hardwick, who is overseeing this case, hasn’t ruled on almost any of the 70 or so motions filed so far. I checked Alacourt, and he’s certainly ruled on motions in or even completed civil cases assigned to him around the same time. This one is getting zero love, which makes me wonder whether the judge simply thinks it’ll settle and doesn’t want to waste his time, or if there’s more going on.
Not only is Alabama the most politically corrupt state, its judiciary is running a close second. Watch for the whitewashing of any criminal activity in the final settlement agreement and lack of any transparency or accountability.