Everyone is in church today, including the members of the Baldwin County Legislative Delegation. They all profess to be God fearing Christians, this is a must to be elected in Alabama. This is a new delegation with some newly elected members. You would think the delegation members would be anxious to put the best foot forward after being elected by their constituents.

Instead they live up to Alabama’s title of being the most political corrupt state in the United States. I must admit when it comes to corruption in Alabama, all elected officials appear to be on board. This new delegation is going to rent offices in Bay Minette from the Mayor of Bay Minette. YES you read that right. If you think that is bad the rent for the first 5 years is $245,000.00. That’s just to start. Mayor “GREEDY” Wills sweetened the deal for himself by adding two 5 year lease extensions. The second 5 years .will cost around $283.00.00 and the third 5 year extension for $339.000.00, that totals $867.000.00 in Mayor Wills family bank account, for a building worth far less. It should be noted greedy Bob has an Ethics complaint and a Bar complaint pending. Those complaints will be filed in the corruption file of both agencies, who are equally corrupt.

“Baldwin County’s state legislators have decided to use taxpayer money to rent office space in Bay Minette Mayor Bob Wills’ law office, according to a lease agreement presented to the Baldwin County Commission last week. The deal would see the legislative delegation pay $4,090 per month for a term of five years.

The delegation is yelling everything is legal and they expect YOU to eat that apple.

The delegation will tell you these are not automatic lease renewals they will have to be approved. Approved by the same damn idiots that think there is nothing wrong with this lease. This is in your face CORRUPTION. When the lease comes up for renewal it will be renewed. That is why it is included in the original lease.

Guess who is one of the major architects of this dirty lease? None other than Senator Chris Elliott. He has already vehemently defended the lease to greedy Bob Wills, on radio, and I am sure in church today. You may remember him for the 1% tax he shoved down our throats, or maybe the DUI he promised to face up to, only to climb in a hole and have attorneys get him off the hook. He also thinks poor people should be denied access to health care.

“suit argued he would suffer, “irreparable harm and damage by the suspension of his driving privileges. He will be unable to work and serve in his elected capacity as a Baldwin County commissioner.” In layman’s terms Elliott said his elected position is too important for him to lose his license when he breaks the law. Hard to see that as anything more than a textbook example of trying to get “special treatment.”

Must be nice to be a State Senator and not have to worry about DUI, had it been you or I we would be held accountable. Chris will be in Church today shaking hands talking about being a christian and pulling the wool over your Christian eyes.

Our good Senator sold his business when he became a State Senator. He was subsequently fired for not showing up for work, an agreement he made in the sale. This ended up in a lawsuit he had to settle, but Chris “The Tax Man” made sure the settlement was out of the public’s eye.

Here is the kicker many of you may remember back about 10 years ago. At that time Chris was part of the infamous group Stacy, Elliott and Haygood. A political consultant group composed of good ole boys that have used Baldwin County as their piggybank. That group later became Catalyst and then morphed into Scott Boone Consulting. In 2012 Chris’s played a major role in electing none other than Mayor Wills. Think about that!

Mayor Wills and State Senator Elliott share the same style of dirty Politics. In fact if you wish to go see Mr Elliott at the Fauxhope satellite Courthouse, where he has a refurbished office, at taxpayers expense, you must be approved by staff before you can kneel before him.

“Whether it creates a potential conflict of interest for Wills to act personally as the delegation’s landlord while also calling on them as mayor for the city’s legislative needs was a question neither the Alabama Attorney General’s Office nor the Alabama Ethics Commission would answer. The AG’s office declined comment and deferred to the Alabama Ethics Commission, which did not respond.”

Baldwin County Commissioner Billie Jo Underwood questioned why the proposal appeared at the end of Wednesday’s agenda without giving commissioners time for discussion, and spoke about wanting to make the best use of the county’s existing inventory of buildings. She also balked at the idea of the commission paying half of the rent.

“We are more than blessed in the county of Baldwin, and we have a lot of opportunities and spaces that are out there,” Underwood said. “We need to work together because we need each other. I just simply wanted an opportunity to look at what was there.”

“Though Underwood said the commission has plenty of board rooms and office supplies the delegation could use in the meantime, commissioners ultimately voted to approve the agreement after amending it to make the legislative delegation pay full rent.”

“If they’re willing to pay for the whole thing and we don’t have to come out of pocket and we don’t have to amend our budget and our attorney’s OK with this modification [then we should approve it],” Commissioner James Ball said. “It doesn’t cost us anything, we’re not on the hook for anything and we’re technically providing you space at no cost like we would anywhere else.” Mr Ball accepts two checks from the county, as a double dipper it is no surprise he supports “greedy” Bob.

Jeb Ball helped push the lease down our throats, It should be noted Jeb Ball represents Bay Minette. Jeb Chris and Bob Wills are cut from the same cloth and their actions support political corruption.

I would like to advise the new Delegation that State Senator Chris Elliott is well known as a rouge politician who quite often represents Baldwin County without conferring with the sitting delegation. He is well known for trying to grab media attention that is self serving.

PLEASE: Take a minute and call or write the county commission and your legislative representative. Let them know that you do not want your tax dollars going into Bob “GREEDY” Wills pocket. Let the preacher know as well.