On Wonderful Wednesday we posted a story about Daphmont Neighborhood in Daphne.

I attended the Daphne Planning and Zoning Board meeting, along with over 100 other people, all concerned about a request to change the zoning on a parcel that is located at the entrance to Daphmont Subdivision. Now I admit that I have become a little jaded when it comes to city officials doing the right thing, listing to citizens, so I was little negative when I got to the meeting.

I went to the meeting to see if Daphne operated any different than Fairhope. The first observation that I made was that Fairhope and Daphne Planning and Zoning boards, operate independent of each other. Both make decisions that impact each others municipalities however never communicate with one another. That’s how you get apartments on apartments and gas stations on every corner.

The proposed 24 hour service station with a drive through food service was proposed for the intersection of Johnson Road and Highway 98, next to the recently built Colonaid Apartments. If you travel 98 this affects you and your drive time.

Many people spoke against the re-zoning none spoke for it. One women explained that after the school bus left the apartments, which was the first stop, and entered Daphmont, that the bus was full by the third stop. Another person spoke of all the negative effects of 24 hour convenience stores and the crime and congestion that comes with it. Others spoke of how the apartments have had a profoundly negative effect on the subdivision already. A college student, from U of A in Tuscaloosa, said when she returned to her neighborhood and saw the apartments she cried.

The developer said they were only going to develop the first of the three lots to be re zoned and explained that the grade was such that he doubted it would be developed. It was then pointed out that they built the apartments in a gully and old sand pit and did not believe one damn word about not developing the balance of property.

The neighborhood came out in force and were very direct about their rejection of any zoning request.

Then I witnessed something I have never seen in Fairhope. The planning and zoning board rejected the request and recommended to the Daphne City Council do the same. They listened to the CITIZENS, CITIZENS, CITIZENS.

That is the power of people however in Fairhope, 9 meetings have been held in relation to Fly Creek Apartments, with a total of over 1000 attending, 99% opposed the project.

Fairhope Planning and Zoning as well as the council have yet to listen to the Citizens Citizens Citizens.

The last meeting of the city council to discuss the apartments cowered, held their hands over their ears and closed their eyes. Only one council person was listening, the rest had been castrated.

The mayor of Fairhope has never wavered in her opposition to the project while most of the council has plugged ears, a mouthful of marbles and no balls.

Congratulations Daphmont neighborhood and the Daphne Planning and Zoning Board.


Beavis and Butthead are dragging Fairhope into an abyss, with the help of GOB’s and Goobers.