Tax, tax and re-tax that is the bottom line for Baldwin County. The developers pay no or little impact fee for their projects which ends up costing you, the taxpayer, to make up the difference in the cost of Schools, Streets/Transportation and Education.
As the fastest growing County in the State, Baldwin County School System has been negatively impacted the most due to the lack of long-term planning from the board.
Governor Ivy now wants even more control over a failing education system, by appointing State School Board Members, rather than electing them.
Bill to end election of state school board members
Bill to end election of state school board members
Our politicians are now trying to pass a lottery, that for the last 20 years has been referred to as an education lottery. The proposed lottery has NO money for education! The politicians wish to use the lottery to pay back the State General Fund, as far back as 2013. Alabama politicians are supporting a lottery that would pay back the State’s general Fund for the money politicians have already stolen or misappropriated. A proposed amendment to the bill would give education 25%, a far cry from 100%.
In Fairhope a special school tax was favored by the City Council over a Mayor’s proposal push for impact fees and making the contribution more equitable. The Council President made it perfectly clear in his statement that “the City Council wants out of any School business.”
These are the same micromanaging Christian conservatives who pound their chest every time the word taxes comes up, yet they favor taxing their constituency even when municipal funds, already collected taxes, are available. Welcome to Baldwin County we need your taxes. Doesn’t make sense.
Teachers need to demand that the Baldwin County School Board address the basic needs of schools. Our teachers are suppose to TEACH not fund-raise.