Get ready Baldwin County it is going to get a lot more expensive to live in Baldwin County.
The Bridge project is a marine project for the port disguised as an automobile traffic problem. The height of the bridge is what drives the price into the billions. Governor Poison Ivy and the TAX MAN, Junior Senator Elliott have marbles in their mouth. They cannot make a clear statement about the bridge because they know it is a done deal.
If the cars have to pay a toll why not the ocean going freighters that will pass under the bridge? That would bring the proposed toll down. Where is the BOAT TOLL?
The Rebuild Alabama Act includes plans for an indexed 10-cent fuel tax hike
The gas tax was a good ole boy deal struck on Goat Hill. Governor Poison Ivey made all the candidates running for office pledge support, or those candidates would not be supported by the Republican Party.
The Tax Man Elliott played everyone like a fiddle saying “no more taxes”, once elected he had a lapse of memory and could not recall his pre- election pledges to his constituents.
Fairhope, Spanish Fort eye September referendum on school tax (updated) - Lagniappe Mobile
Agreeing to a few minor revisions last week, the Spanish Fort Town Council became the second Eastern Shore municipality within a month to send a resolution to the Baldwin County School Board to approve a special election to establish a special tax district to benefit schools within its city limits. The school board approved a …
Schools are starving for money and classroom space, so in addition to the 1% tax the TAX MAN passed on to us in Baldwin County, without a vote, a 3 mil tax is proposed for Fairhope and Spanish Fort. This self imposed tax will at least have the vote of the people in the form of a referendum vote.
This is just the tip of the TAX iceberg, Baldwin County is growing at such a fast rate that you can be assured more taxes are coming. Traffic is going to be a collateral tax on everyone. The more you are tied up in traffic the more it costs.
Property values may rise for awhile but sooner than later the congestion and expense will drive people away and property values will decrease.
Baldwin County is a classic example of sprawl and very little, if any, long range planning.