The Ripp Report is a consumer organization first, we also maintain a blog site, Face Book sites and a Podcast production. The Ripp Report is a not for profit. We expose political corruption and file appropriate complaints.

On Monday the 25th of November, Judge Johnny Hardwick, Circuit Judge, Montgomery County, will hear a STATUS REVIEW on all pending motions, relative to the Writ of Mandamus, I, Francis Paul Ripp, filed October 18th.

In the simplest way possible without a lot of legal jargon, I want you to know this is a test. A test of our states ethics and our states elected officers to do their job. Any citizen should be able to file a complaint against an elected official, Lawyer or Judge, and have an expect ion of justice. Not in Alabama.

Alabama citizens have many options to file complaints, The Governor, The Ethics Commission, Attorney General, Bar Association, Judiciary and District Attorney. What do you do if no agency does it’s job? File a Writ of Mandamus, is an option.

The Ripp Report has filed complaints to all the above, since the revelation of the Executive Director of the Ethics Commission, and attorney, Tom Albritton was “Self Dealing” the Mabel Amos Memorial Fund. Mr Albritton is doing the very act, which is basic corruption, “self Dealing”, enriching oneself, via the public position they hold.

You would think that the media would be on this story like a dog in heat! However so far the Ethics Commission and the Bar Association see no problem with Mr Albritton receiving more than 120,000 dollars for his children’s education, from a trust where he is a trustee. The absurdity of their justifications of Mr. Albritton, further exposes the depth of corruption.

Lagniappe, Rob Holbert, broke the story surrounding the Mabel Amos Memorial Trust. The rest of the media sat on it’s hands. Mr Holbert followed up with another article which exposed the fact that Mr Albritton had also rewarded his law partners and a sitting judge with thousands of dollars from the trust.

Between 2014 and 2017 Covington County Circuit Court Judge Ben Bowden, a former law partner of Albritton, benefited to the tune of 45,000 dollars for his kids education. Can you smell something like dead fish?

The Writ of Mandamus is yet another step in the effort to expose the depth of Alabama corruption. It is a test of the system.

What’s next? Believe it or not more complaint options exist like, IRS, Federal Court, FBI and Banking Commission, or civil suit. Let’s not forget Regions Bank has benefited to the tune of one million dollars. A civil suit will expose all the individuals who were recipients of The Mabel Amos Trust. The list is probably going to be the who’s who of Andalusia. Mabel Amos must be turning over in her grave.

The most interesting and not yet answered question is: How did the trustees of the Mabel Amos memorial fund, keep secret the fact:

“ That well — known as Amos 36-3 — was on land leased from the Mabel Amos Memorial Fund. To date, Fletcher says it has produced $70 million to $80 million worth of oil and gas, and has the potential for another $20 million. Even after 10 years, it still produces 100 barrels a day, he said, along with millions of cubic feet of natural gas.”

We know how the trustees and Regions Bank are benefiting from the Mabel Amos Memorial Fund, but how did the citizens of Conecuh County benefit?

A parallel problem exists in the Baldwin County Family Court, especially Judge Michelle Thomasson.

She has had more complaints filed against her than their are stars in the sky. Judges, Lawyers and law clerks are all aware of her dysfunctional and corrupt court. Citizens are advised that if they are headed to a divorce in Baldwin County, be sure to hire the lowest bottom feeding attorneys possible. They have a track record of always winning in Judge Thomassons court, where kids are considered last and money first.

The point is that all the stars in heaven cannot convince the proper, Alabama, authority’s to step in. So the only alternative is Federal Court.