When will Baldwin County wake up and vote in new blood. The GOB, Good ole Boys, have a strangle hold on Baldwin County. They determine the candidates that will tow the line or raise their hand when told to do so. Sheriff Hoss Mack calls the shots and Mayors just bend over. The school system, Eddie and Gray, have job security guaranteed, as long as they go along. Their is no accountability or transparency as long as this cabal exists. NEVER vote for selected candidates. CIRCUIT CLERK
Circuit Clerk of Baldwin County is a position that the GOB, Catalyst, have controlled for years. Baldwin County deserves better. KIM EARL is the answer. New eyes, new ideas, independent thinking that is what Baldwin County deserves. We need to break the corrupt cycle that has had a stranglehold on Baldwin county citizens for decades. Kim has 35 years in the Circuit Clerk’s office, she knows what needs to change because she has been a witness to the Good Ole Boys of Baldwin County and their self serving priorities.
CARRIE HOSIER, Is not Catalyst. She represents the parents and will answer parents’ concerns. She is the candidate that has no baggage. She is not the rubber stamp vote School Superintendent Tyler wants. CARRIE is the polar opposite of her opponent, she did not switch parties in order to run. She has not sold her soul for donations that come with “conditions”. CARRIE represents transparency and parents.
Her opponent, Andrea Lindsey is Catalyst, a typical GOB candidate. Her first action as a candidate was to switch from the Democrat party to Republican party, 15 minutes before qualification. Why? Because she was TOLD to switch parties, she could not win as a Democrat. She is the Eddie Tyler and John Gray rubber stamp, that should be apparent. Her donations came from a School board attorney, Eddie Tyler’s wife, who happened to get a school system promotion the day after her donation, and developers.
It is YOUR choice, CARRIE, who will represent the parents and answer your questions while providing transparency, which does not exist presently within the Board of Education Board.
Or the Catalyst Candidate, the rubber stamp of Eddie and Gray? The party switcher and developers choice?
CARRIE HOSIER, Is not Catalyst. She represents the parents and will answer parents’ concerns. She is the candidate that has no baggage. She is not the rubber stamp vote School Superintendent Tyler wants. CARRIE is the polar opposite of her opponent, she did not switch parties in order to run. She has not sold her soul for donations that come with “conditions”. CARRIE represents transparency and parents.
At a local campaign meeting for Jerry Carl looked like a fraternity meeting of the GOB of Baldwin County. The Mayors, such as Fairhope are charter members of the Sheriffs cabal. GOB Mayors endorsed Jerry Carl, not one mentioned the toll bridge. I guess they all got amnesia which must be going around because voters keep putting in the same damn people. All that does is prevent any accountability or transparency.
3 reasons why Jerry Carl may LOSE
- He lied about toll bridge
- He forgot who put him in office, BALDWIN COUNTY
- Sheriff Hoss Mack endorse him.