Alabama veterans are facing another war. This time with the state of Alabama and their efforts to strip the veterans representation by creating a cabinet position for the director of veterans affairs and the veterans board to an advisory position. This would strip veterans of their current representation, by the current veteran’s board, and limit it to a cabinet member subservient to the Governor.

This is Governor “poison Ivy’s” way of retaliation against the current veterans board who opposed her using “supreme executive power” to remove the ADVA director Admiral Kent Davis. Alabama is the most corrupt state in the United States. We are now sinking to a level of corruption and vindictiveness that is below any scale.

Veterans this is WAR. If we allow this to happen veterans in Alabama will loose any representation, by veterans for veterans. We will be subjected to the whims of the Governor. Any legislators who vote for this bill should be blackballed, identified and challenged in the next election. They should receive a black eye that follows them wherever they go.

Governor Ivy has only a short time in office and she is making a decision that will effect veterans for years to come. In fact her Biden condition may even require her to leave office before her term expires.

In the coming days there will be an explosion of press coverage and veteran outrage. Please tell every veteran to get involved in the protest of this bill. Call your family members, veteran advocates, and local politicians to oppose this bill. Emphasize to politicians your outrage and how you will remember their actions in the next election.

PLEASE share this message any way possible.