How does a bar owner, continuously break the law and walk?

If you are Ronan McSharry it appears not to be a problem.

McSharry’s was the watering hole for Judges, Attorneys and of course McSharry’s best friend, Council President Jack Burrell, who was honored with a sandwich on the menu named after him. Jack also has a police report that he never disclosed prior to the last election.

The Watering hole became taboo after the last election and McSharry’s multiple arrests, only then did politicians and members of the Judiciary come to the conclusion that drinking with the good ole boys, in public, was not cool.

They may have left the Bar but they sure have had McSharry’s back.

Now ask yourself, How the hell can a person with multiple convictions, and be on probation, get arrested again and walk.

The Watering Hole.

Too many Judges, Lawyers and Politicians operate in a spaghetti bowl of Conflicts of Interest and Quid Quo Pro Deals.

The corruption is obvious and if you reside in Baldwin County and have to go to Municipal, District or Circuit Court, you can have no expectation of a fair trial.

McSharry’s Fairhope AL

Baldwin County needs many more Writ of Mandamus filed and the Judges and politicians serving more than two terms need to be replaced, voted out.

Be sure you read this article very carefully and then read the Straw man article and you will see, that in Baldwin County it is all about who you know.

Baldwin County should be renamed “Quid Quo Pro County”

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