To the editor:

This could be long — I hope it’s not inflammatory — it’s not meant to be. This is to all of the non-mask wearing and partying people out there.

I am mad. I am worried. And I am scared. And you, who refuse to wear a mask, and congregate with your friends, are the reason!!! You are endangering my family. And my friends. And ME!

When I look at you and see intelligent people who normally use common sense, and are active in philanthropy, and usually show such empathy for others, I am shocked. I KNOW you aren’t the selfish people you seem to have become. Yes, selfish. Because by behaving the way you are, you are basically saying that you are only interested in what is good for YOU at this time, and that the health and welfare of everyone else with whom you come in contact really isn’t your concern. The numbers are SPIKING. And the demographic that is testing positive now is YOU!

But you are also transmitting it to your families. You have parents who are at high risk. You have children at home who, often when they get COVID-19, don’t display the same symptoms, and get much sicker.

Trust me — we ALL want to get out and have fun with our friends. We ALL are sick of cooking every single night. We ALL want to see our children and grandchildren. But we can’t because YOU ARE, and you are spreading this virus.

Those of us in the older generation have worked and saved and done without when you were all growing up so that you could have the wonderful memories of childhood that you have! And so that you could enjoy the wonderful lives you all have today. We also hoped that, upon retirement, we could do the things we gave up to get to this point in our lives. And you are STEALING that from us! We are now spending our Golden Years in the four walls of our homes, unable to go out socially, unable to play with our grandchildren, unable to take those fabulous vacations we had planned for.

I beg you — PLEASE — stop the partying. Stop the congregating. Start wearing masks in public! Don’t let the world blame you for spreading this insidious disease!

Thank you for reading this!

Jani Handwerger Mobile