Baldwin County really made a mistake when they elected Chris Elliott to replace Tripp Boom Boom Pittman as State Senator.
Those that know the history, know Elliott was one of the three general partners involved with the political machine in Baldwin County. First known as Stacy Elliott and Haygood then Catalyst, until that name became toxic and now Scott Boone Consulting.
A good ole boy club that has had a stranglehold on Baldwin politics and the judiciary.
Now a State Senator, Elliott is up to his old tricks of lying and getting even.
His new target, HB-188. This bill would have strengthen a grant program for fortified homes.
“As of February, the program reported a total of $22,231,066 in grants allocated, resulting in new, stronger roofs on 2,796 homes. But approximately 1,300 applications are now awaiting grants.”
“Allegedly, in Elliott’s previous role as a home builder while he was a Baldwin County commissioner, he sought to see other contractors’ bids but was denied. In 2016, the DOI wrote Elliott to notify him that Elliott Builders Inc. was being removed as an eligible contractor from the program.”
“Powell alleged Elliott “planned on profiling applicants and ‘cherry picking’ applications based on that information rather than providing fair and equally formulated bids for the program.” He also reported “a couple of complaints about Chris’s behavior toward applicants when talking to them,” including “treating applicants in a demeaning fashion and berating the grant program … This is not the behavior we want of a contractor or anyone representing the Strengthen Alabama Homes program.”
Please get a Lagniappe and read just how despicable Elliott is.
He is a State Senator and now is his opportunity to get even with a program designed to help citizens.
“However, records indicate Elliott participated in the program as a contractor with his company Elliott Builders in 2016, when he received a letter from SAH Director Brian Powell informing Elliott he was being removed from the program after repeatedly attempting to gain confidential information that would give him an “unfair competitive advantage over other program contractors.”
In the coming weeks you will learn more about Mr. Elliott and his history as a questionable contractor, a failed contractor. If you cannot trust him to roof your house the how in the hell can you trust him as a State Senator, He needs to be replaced as soon as possible.
Please remember he was first appointed by the Luv Gov., not elected, to the State Senate.
Who is in the picture? Let me give a few names: The CATALYST Queen Michelle Thomasson, Chris Elliott, Tucker Dorsey, Lynn Stacy, Tim Can’t and Scott “baby” Boone. OH I almost forgot, District Attorney Robert Wilters. Judge Wilters walked into the office without a vote being cast, while citizens sleep, thanks to CATALYST. WHO do you recognize?
Elliott’s suit argued he would suffer, “irreparable harm and damage by the suspension of his driving privileges. He will be unable to work and serve in his elected capacity as a Baldwin County commissioner.”
In layman’s terms Elliott said his elected position is too important for him to lose his license when he breaks the law.
Hard to see that as anything more than a textbook example of trying to get “special treatment.”
First of all, Chris Elliott didn’t “own” this. He has tried to weasel out of his punishment and has offered his elected position as a reason he shouldn’t lose his driver’s license like everyone else.
He copped the guilty plea in city court after he was exposed.
We also know for a fact he is unwilling to answer a simple yes or no question about whether or not he was in a bar that night.
Stay Tuned for the next revelation about Mr Elliott and his general contracting career.