Baldwin County citizens are the winners. The election of Matt McKenzie, County Commission District 2, is one of the best decisions Baldwin voters have made in a long time. Matt and his family fought hard and covered the county, getting his message out.

Thanks for the social media support for Matt, especially, BALDWIN COUNTY CITIZENS For GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY (CGA), who supported Matt 100%. Many pages and groups supported Matt on Facebook.

This was a very important political race:

It appears the citizens of Baldwin County may be waking up. They rejected the candidate in the primary that would be receiving two payroll checks. Most important citizens have now rejected the CATALYST candidate. This is the second major race CATALYST has lost. The first was Jerry Carl beating CATALYST’s Lowtower in the Republican House Race.

CATALYST aka Scott Boone Consulting never saw this coming. They were confident that the CATALYST candidates would win. They forgot that Matt was a Marine!

Thank You Baldwin County, congratulations and good luck to Matt McKenzie