Place one in the County Commissioner’s race is a classic example of getting what you wished for and it backfiring. Mr Frank Burt has solidly held this position since 1988, wow, 29 years. Mr. Burt is intent on holding that position. I was hoping for change and that Mr. Burt would retire and the seat open for several new candidates.

Catalyst had other plans, once they learned Mr. Burt was seriously running they recruited Jeb Ball as their new foot solider and abandoned Burt, that say’s a lot. District one voters will not abandon Burt

for some young buck, placed and picked for them. It will take maybe a little “fixing,” on Catalyst part to pull a win over Burt.

So the choice may be difficult and not what we want but Mr Burt brings something to the table and Ball represents Catalyst, not Baldwin County.

Baldwin County Substance Abuse Services, BCSA, was founded and organized by Judges and lawyers. At the time many judges and attorneys voiced concerns related to conflict of interests and had questions about where would the money go? BCSA is a company certified by the administrative office of the courts, to provide court ordered level one and level two courses as well as educational classes, involving drug or alcohol related crimes.


Please note the infamous, Judge Michelle Hart, aka Thomason, was one of the founders of BCSA. She also holds the dubious title of being the first client of Catalyst, connect the dots.

In short it is a money scheme that allows you to pay your way out of what you have been convicted of. Money Money Money crime go away.

Mr Ball was selected for this post just as he is being selected by Catalyst to represent them, not us.

BCSA has come under fire many times for the practice of collecting fees and urine tests in CASH.

Mr. Ball should not be allowed to hold the position of Director of BCSA, if Catalyst is successful in winning the seat for Ball. Folks think about what a position Mr. Ball would be in holding, a Commissioners seat as well as Director for BCSA. He now would face being compromised by Catalyst, as well as maybe lawyers and judges, it is too big a conflict to try and wear both hats.

Mr Burt becomes the exception in the effort to replace all four incumbent commissioners, with only one challenging candidate, who is Catalyst, the voters must vote Burt.

Baldwin County citizens should hold Mr. Burt and the other commissioners responsible and accountable for the Mega-Site Dump, as it is referred to in District one, however Mr Ball is not the answer.

Jeb is playing with the wrong balls.