To Alabama Ethics Commission Statement of Facts: July 29, 2016

I reference to:, in particular paragraphs 15 and 16. I realize the Commission pays little attention to print media and you rely on your own investigation to reach a determination, or not, as to any violations of Ethics. I do however hope the very good investigative reporting of Eric Mann, Lagniappe, assists you in what appears a rather obvious conclusion.

“In October 2010, the Alabama Ethics Commission issued an advisory opinion on whether or not Dorsey would be legally able to rule on matters related to BCSS because Burke was his employer.

The Ethics Commission issued a 4-0 opinion ruling that as a member of the Baldwin County Commission, Dorsey should not vote, attempt to influence or otherwise participate in issues related to business dealings with BCSS. State ethics law defines a conflict of interest as actions or decisions by a public official in the discharge of official duties which affect that official’s personal financial interests or the financial interests of family members or businesses with which the official may be associated.”

The specific complaint is that Commissioner Dorsey did not heed YOUR UNANIMOUS advice.

Hard copy of article enclosed

Francis Paul Ripp

The Ripp Report; non profit

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